First article

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Serial Killer

I was not surprised when I was informed, and then I was asked some questions from the police. I imagined that they would try to contact me, after all I was Emily's dearest friend.

I answered with my tone filled with sorrow, to their questions, not even pretending my emotions, especially to the thought that the hands of those policemen had touched and ruined my composition. And I had to hold back from catching the wrist of one of them when he took my beloved camera with no delicacy, turnig it around in his hands as if looking for something. This, however, did not prevent me from alerting him, with a tone that was tactfully but yet cold to lay it where he had taken it.

It was a few days later, after this event, that my gaze stuck in a newspaper article ... that by the irony of the fate, was about my dear Emily. I quickly read those printed lines, feeling a hot spark of fury blossom inside my chest.

Serial killer?

They were defining me a serial killer? They have exchanged my art for ... for the mania of a murderer?

I was offended and annoyed. How did they dare ?!

How did they dare to exchange my refined art, which complimented the beauty of death, for the sick ritual of a madman?

It was outrageous.

I did not look again at the article as I walked away trying to clear my mind and suffocate the anger as I thought about what my next composition would be.

Although not for the first time, I was reminded of how much susceptible, pliant and ignorant the masses were.


I was eager to share my new work with the world. Neophytes. Philistines ... Fools ... They feared what they could not comprehend ...

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