Chapter 2

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*one week later*

Jennis POV

"Jenni, Justin!! wake up!!!" I hear my mom yell

"Ok!" I say

Today is the day we leave Oklahoma for North Carolina. I've never lived in any other state besides Oklahoma. hopefully the move goes well.

I get up take a shower and brush my hair. I don't put any makeup on because we're going to be traveling the whole day.

I put an OSU t-shirt and some sweat pants on. I put my hair in a messy bun and go put some boxes into the moving truck.

After everything is put in the moving truck I take a picture of our 'old' house and put in our bags of clothes that we will need until the moving truck gets to out 'new' house.

We go to the airport and wait for our flight to be called.

"Hey, do you wanna go get starbucks?" Justin asks me

"Ya sure" I say

"Hey mom, can Justin and I go get some Starbucks?" I ask

"Yes" she says

We got up and walked to the Starbucks stand. We both got caramel mochas and went back to where we were and sat down.

"Flight 582 now boarding, flight 582 now boarding" the intercom said

We got up and walked to the plane entrance. They took our tickets and we went to our seats. I sat in the window seat and tweeted 'goodbye Oklahoma 😢'

Then I put my earbuds in and fell asleep

I woke up to Justin shaking me and saying "wake up we're landing"

"Ok, I'm awake" I say

The plane lands and we grab our bags and get off of the plane. Then we go get our car that was delivered here.

*1 hour later*

"We're here!!" my mom yells waking me up

I must have fallen asleep on the way home.

I get out of the car and grab my bags.

"Woah" I say excitedly "this house is big!"

"Ya, it's a lot bigger than our other house" my mom says

I go inside and run upstairs and pick my room. I picked an aqua blue room with its own bathroom. "I call this one!!!" I yell so they both can hear

I go and see which one my brother picked. He picked one with dark green walls. His bathroom was across the hallway. We have 2 extra bedrooms in this house.

I go back down stairs and sit down on the couch (when we got here the whole house had furniture in it)

"Guys, go next door to the neighbors house and introduce your selves!" she yells from the kitchen

"Okay I will after I change clothes" I say

I go upstairs and get changed into an Abercrombie t-shirt and some jean shorts.

"Justin let's go" I say
"Ok" he answers

We go outside and go to the neighbors house and knock on the door.

Some really cute boy with amazing blue eyes opened the door.

"Hi we're your new neighbors" I say. he looks really farmilliar

OMG!!!! ITS HAYES GRIER!!!!! I mentally screamed

"Hi my names hayes" he said

"Mines Jenni" I say
"I'm Justin" justin says

"Cool, do you guys wanna come in?"

"Sure" I say "just let me text my mom"

We go in and hayes asks "do you guys wanna come to my room?"

"Sure" I say

We go up to his room and sit down