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"I'm Sorry m'am but your card has been declined".

Emily snapped her head at the cashier with an expression of disbelief, "No no no no no... it can't be..."


"I'm sorry miss..."

"No! n-no no..." she breathes, knitting her eyebrows together with confusion. She starts to sweat and runs her hands through her hair in frustration. Her voice becomes shaky, "b-but how?... this is all I have left, i-isn't there anything you can do?" Looking back up to the cashier with pleading eyes.

The cashier looks at Emily with sympathy "No there's nothing I'm sorry".

"Fuck..." she breathes to herself taking the card and walking out the store still bearing a face full of frustration and worry.

As she exits the shop, she's hit with a cool breeze and all the sounds from the hustle bustle of New York City. Frantically rummaging her hands through the pockets of her worn out leather jacket, she pulls out her phone and dials a number. "please pick up, please pick up" she breathes to herself waiting impatiently until someone answers. "H-hello it's Em...yeah yeah, you know the one you dropped off to last night... yeah I uh, need your help, I've run short of cash, but I-I really need a fix, w-would you be able to just let me off just this once... c'mon please I'm begging you, you know I'd always pay you back, please..." The phone hangs up. "AHH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" She yells, running her hands through her long brunette hair, pacing up and down the street thinking about her next move.

Tears of pure frustration start to well in her eyes causing her stop. She slumps down a bench, lowering her slim structured face into her hands, she lets out a well built up sob. She truly felt hopeless. Ordinary people at Emily's age would be worrying about getting home from work in time for their favourite tv program. Or planning where they should go for their next holiday destination. But not Emily. No her mind was worrying about how she was going to get her next fix. The brain of a drug addict is like a lion cub tasting it's first drop of blood, once they start they can't get enough.

A familiar tune emitted from her pockets. She pulled out her phone and the name 'Samara' shon across the screen. She quickly wiped her tears away and steadied her breathing. "Hello?"

Samaras voice erupted from the speaker, "Emily? Where the FUCK have you been these last couple of days?!"

Emily was trying so hard to hold back her sob, however her tears got the better of her and she started crying uncontrollably. "I-I-I've fucked it Samara!... I've fucked everything up!" Her breathing becomes disorderly as her tears tumble down her face.

"Shh, it's okay Em, I'm coming to pick you up."

Fifteen minutes later, a silver 4x4 pulls up to the sidewalk and out steps a tall blonde with freckles and sweet blue eyes. She walks over to the broken brunette, slouched with her face in her palms sitting on the bench. The blonde places her hand gently on Emily's back and sits next to her before pulling her skinny figure into her chest and letting the girl cry some more.

The whole journey home was in a complete silence. Even though they both knew that Emily had to open up at some point, Samara knew it didn't have to be at that instance. Right now all the blonde could think about is getting Emily washed and in a comfortable setting. Emily was stick thin, her face had sunken causing her cheek bones to pop out. Her lips were chapped from dehydration and her eyes were bagged from sleep deprivation. Her skin that was supposed to be a glowing shade of caramel had lost its light and was extremely pale. She looked so fragile and worn out.

Once they arrived back to their apartment, samara closed the door behind them and turned to Emily. She cupped the brunettes cheek with one hand and gently said, "I'm gonna run you a hot bath Em, and while you do that I'll make dinner."

Emily replied looking at the floor, "Okay, th-thanks S."

The blonde smiled and walked towards the bathroom.

After about twenty minutes, Emily threw her hair up in a messy bun put on some sweats with a baggy t-shirt. As she left the bathroom her nostrils were invaded by a rich tomato essence. She timidly walked over to the table to see two plates of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Sit down, eat, I'll be over in a sec. I'm just grabbing drinks." Samara calls glancing at Em from the kitchen. She strolls over, placing herself in the seat opposite Emily. She looks up to see the brunette fiddling with her food, manoeuvring a meatball from one side of the plate to the other.

"Em... c'mon please eat, I made your favourite." Samara pleaded furrowing her eyebrows.

"I just... I can't" Em says knitting her eyebrows together. She sighs heavily and places her fork down. Tears start to build-up, she chokes "I'm so s-sorry S".

"Hey, shh don't be silly Em, we just won't do dinner tonight. Come let's just cuddle." She gives her a reassuring smile and held her hand out for Emily to grasp. Emily raised her hand and loosely gripped the blondes. They shuffled over to the sofa. Emily curled up into a ball and lowered her head into samaras lap. Her roommate pulled the throw across Emily's skinny frame and lightly traced patterns in her brunette waves.

Samara glances down, "Em you're shaking."

"I-I'm sorry... I just can't stop thinki-"

"Em it's fine, just try and get some rest okay."

With that, Emily allowed her eyes to grow heavy and she soon drifted off into a well over due slumber. Still stroking the brunettes head, samara felt a small stream glide over her cheek and down her neck. She silently sobbed to herself looking down at the broken soul on her lap she calls her best friend. It's the most heartbreaking thing to see someone you love do so much damage to themselves. Relying on the devils substances just to feel that brief moment of happiness. Doing absolutely anything to obtain that fix, the fix that sends her to another dimension, the fix that sends her to...her escape.

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