Chapter 3

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"No!" I said firmly. I stood up from the table. 

Lavus also stood up. "Yes, you will!" he said.

"I will not marry you, you can't force me"

"Oh yes, I can. I am the king! You will be my wife and you will bear my children!"

So that's why I am here. I am not going to accept that. 

"Why are you against this? You are going to be the queen of this land! You should be honored that I chose you!"

I looked deep into his stormy eyes. The facade of the nice king is breaking. His real nature is revealed.

" I am not going to sell myself for power and wealth. I want to go home" 

I tried to hold back my tears as I saw his furious glare. He came over to me and grasped my shoulders.

"You WILL marry me! End of discussion!" He stormed out of the room.

I sat back down and let the tears flow. He is an arrogant and I hate him!

After my sobs subsided, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lady Ayla?" It was the butler.

Hastily I wiped my tears away. "Yes, yes I am coming"

I left the dining room.

"This way my lady. I will lead you to your room" the butler said.

We went through many corridors.

"At the end of the hallway is the master bedroom. Yours is the one on the right"

He opened the door for me and I entered my new room. 

"Good night, my lady" he closed the door. I examined the room.

 It was just like the rest of the castle, absolutely beautiful. It was a big room with a queen sized bed in the middle of it. Everything was gold and royal blue. It was magnificent.

But I couldn't stay here. I will go back home and I won't accept anybody who wants me to force  me to do something. Especially marry someone I don't want to.

On the left were two doors. The first one was a wardrobe. It was filled with dresses in different colors. They were beautiful and soft. I found a silky nightgown. It was long and pink with lace.

The next door was a big bathroom. Again the furniture impressed me.

 Again the furniture impressed me

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I drew myself a hot bath and cleaned myself with a soap that smelled like roses. I was careful with my injured arm. For the first time in a while I could relax. I closed my eyes and let the hot water do its magic. 

After 20 minutes I reached for the towel and dried myself. I put on the pink nightgown and climbed on the bed. The covers were soft and I realized how tired I was. 

My eyes began to droop. I snuggled in the bed and sleep invaded me.

What a day.


I woke up and looked outside. It was still dark. It was time.  I slipped out of the bed and put on my shoes. I quietly left my room and ran around trying to find the staircases and my way to my freedom.

Maybe I shouldn't go home. I could leave my old life behind and start a new one. I could earn money and work in a bakery or library. I could live independently. That thought made me smile.

However, my sense of orientation betrayed me. I was lost. 

So I wandered around aimlessly. Soon the beautiful interior turned into stone walls. It must be in a different wing. I found an open metal door. I opened it further. It revealed a staircase with torches on its sides.

I shouldn't be here... But who cares?

When I reached the end, I realized where I was.... 

The dungeon.

The prison cells were filled with mostly men in torn clothes. All of them were chained up.

All of them stared at me creepily. One of the prisoners caught my attention. It was a little boy! He was maybe six years old. Why was he here? He had big grey eyes and looked at me desperately. I couldn't leave him here! He looked so skinny.

"I am going to help you, I promise" I whispered to him. He was e

I have to get the keys to his prison cell. 

" I am going to come back for you. Wait for me"

I ran out of the dungeon. I found myself wandering around again. And soon I found the familiar staircases that led to the dining room and entrance of the castle. 

It was night. Nobody was up. I could leave, I could start a new life. But I couldn't leave the boy in the dungeon. So instead of choosing my freedom I realized I was hungry. 

I went in the dining room to see if there was food. Indeed, there was a bit of bread and water. Then I remember the boy again. I took a big piece of bread and a cup with water and went back to the dungeon. 

I looked at the ground till I was in front of the little boy. I gave him the bread and his eyes shone with something. I think it was hope. He ate the bread hastily and looked at the cup of water. Because of his chains he couldn't drink it on its own. 

I held it through the bars, and he drank it greedily. 

"Was that enough?" I asked him and he nodded. He gave me a big smile that warmed my heart. 

"Good. I wi-"

"Hey little girl, can you give me something too?" I heard a creepy voice. I turned to the man who said this. He had a mischievous gleam in his eyes. 

"I- I-" I stuttered. I can't provide food and water for all the prisoners.

"Oh common little girl, I am not talking about food or water. Just come here" That was enough for me.

I ran out of the dungeon but I still heard the dirty laughter of the prisoners.

I ran till I found my room. I shut the door and leaned against it.

What am I going to do? How can I save the poor boy from a gruesome fate in prison? 

If I could free him, I could run away with him.

This is going to be a tricky task...


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment to share your opinion. As you know you can correct my mistakes, so I can improve my writing.

Have a good day/ night and see you  <3

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