"Sebastian as in Harry's ex?" Louis wasn't sure why was this being brought up.

"Yeah," Zayn said and waited for Louis to respond.

"Well, all I know is that he and Harry broke up cause he didn't want to come out. That's all Harry has told me," And Louis already knew it because Gemma had told him so before knowing they all knew each other.

Louis remembered Gemma told him that it was a hard breakup for Harry. But Louis was also pretty sure Harry was over it. It had been almost two years since, if Louis wasn't wrong.

"That's right," Zayn said before adding, "But it wasn't that simple."

Louis didn't know what to say, so he let Zayn continue.

"In freshmen year, Niall met Sebastian and introduced him to us. Sebastian was part of the football team. God knows how Niall met him, but he seemed a cool lad, so he kept hanging out with us more and more. About a month and a half after meeting him, Harry confessed that he had been in a relationship with Sebastian for a month."

Louis made the numbers in his head. Wow, that was fast. It took Louis and Harry nearly two months to accept their feelings to each other.

"And we found it very strange cause, during all that time, when we went to parties and stuff Sebastian kept hooking up with different girls." Zayn kept going, "If Sebastian had been anywhere close when Harry had told us that, Niall would have given him a kick in the balls." Zayn chuckled remembering one of their firsts 'friendship-defining' moments.

Zayn continued, "But Harry explained that Sebastian wasn't ready to come out. He said that all those hooks ups were a cover up, because he thought coming out in his first semester on the team would mess things. Harry said he was okay with him doing all that stuff, because he knew he 'loved him'." Zayn said drawing quotation marks in the air. "Harry almost begged us not to tell anyone. He said that even we weren't supposed to know about it. And we reluctantly did."

Louis gulped, kind of knowing where the story was going.

 "They were always very careful. I can tell you, I never saw them holding hands or just acting coupley, let alone kissing." Zayn sighed, "But one night, at a house party someone saw them. They were just kissing in the bathroom, but apparently Sebastian forgot to lock the door, so when another dude from the team walked in, it was a pretty big shock for the three of them."

Louis could picture everything too well. Another man kissing Harry, touching his body and tugging his hair. And Harry, so desperately trying to please someone else in a bathroom. His heart ached just thinking about it.

"It was very unoriginal, to be honest. The guy walked in and Sebastian pushed Harry yelling him to stop touching him, catching the attention of the few people around." Zayn narrated, "Then, to prove his point, he gave Harry a punch in the eye."

Louis flinched just thinking of someone hitting his Harry, and felt a wave of rage running through his body.

"Luckily Niall was around and helped Harry. Sebastian obviously left the scene flying so Niall still wants to kick him in the balls to this day,"

A small smile appeared in both of their lips.

But Zayn wasn't done, "All the way back to campus Harry kept saying it was his fault, that he should have been more careful," Zayn chuckled, "Niall almost wanted to punch his other eye."

Zayn took a deep breath before finishing, "Harry called him, texted him and left voice mail after voice mail. After an impossible number of non-answered calls and texts, Harry realized Sebastian was done with him."

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