Across a crowded bar

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"So I'm gonna meet you here again tomorrow yeah? I'll try to be on time today," Kevin said, picking up Karen's bag and handing it to her. "Yeah. Don't worry about that, I was convinced I was going to be late anyway... Do you think I did okay today? With the choreography?" Karen asked nervously. "You did amazing, picked it up quicker than I thought, which is good seeing as I leave on Saturday."
Karen froze, "that's 3 days away." Kevin nodded, "yeah, the Dirty Dancing Cast want me there for Monday, but I need to get there and then get set up, so yeah, I leave Saturday. Don't worry- you'll know the choreography inside and out by then, I promise. Have you seen the British show, Strictly Come Dancing? The professional dancers teach whichever celebrity they're partnered with to dance a routine in 4 days, and some of them get to a professional level with some of their dances, so trust me, you'll be just fine Karen," Kevin said reassuringly. Karen smiled, "well I guess if you say so. Thanks for today," she said before walking out of the studio. Kevin watched her go, still gazing at the door after the Latina had long gone. Why?! Just why did you have to teach possibly the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world the choreography, only to know that you'll be leaving her in 3 days?! Why do I do this to myself?! Kevin said to himself, shaking his head in dismay.

Karen threw herself back on her bed, her hair splaying out across her pillow, pulling out her phone. She scrolled through her contacts till she found the name she was looking for, 'Janette Manrara'- one of her best friends, clicking on it the phone began to ring.

J: heyyyy
K: hey
J: so, tell me, how did it go??!!
K: how did what go?
J: *sighs* you know exactly what I mean Miss Hauer! So stop teasing me and tell me how it went!
K: okay, okay, calm. Today went okay.
J: 'okay'? That's all I'm getting?
K: there's not much else to say
J: what was the guy like who was teaching you the choreography?
K: he was nice
J: 'nice'? Oh my good God you pain me sometimes
K: I know what you're getting at Janette, I'm just not going there. He leaves in 3 days to go to some other show, there's no point in getting attached
J: he might come back??
K: oh yes he'll come running back to the show he chose to leave and then our eyes will meet across a crowed room and then we'll realise we're in love with each other and then announce it to the world, and then we'll both live happily ever after.
J: that could happen!
K: Janette my darling I was being sarcastic!
J: I'm well aware, I just chose to ignore it. But that could happen, he might come back!
K: no. I'm not setting my hopes on the chance that he 'might' come back, I need to move on
J: ha! So you do like him!
K: I never said that!
J: aw my baby Karen is growing up
K: shut up! I don't like him! Not like the way you're talking about!
J: okay, okay, you keep telling yourself that Kaz, just saying I'll remind you of this very conversation on your wedding day- you know, when you're marrying Kevin Clifton
K: firstly the chances of you remembering this very conversation is very unlikely, and secondly I don't like him like that so am never gonna end up walking down the aisle to marry him. End of story.
J: we'll see...
K: we'll see nothing. It ain't gonna happen
J: God you're so stubborn and annoying! Why won't you admit that you like him already?!
K: I've only met him once!
J: love at first sight!
K: goodnight J!
J: tell Kevin your best friend said hi!
K: yeah that's not happening
J: try telling him how you feel, he might not leave?
K: goodnight Janette!
J: Karen Haeur I swear to God if you hang up on me!
K: night!!

As she hung up the phone she got a text message:
Hey it's me Kevin. Me and some others are having a drink in the hotel bar, if you want to join us? -Kevin x

Karen froze, not knowing whether to reply and go and join them or not.
Janette!!! Should I go for a drink with Kevin and the others??

Instantly she received a reply:
Of course!!!!

A smile spread across Karen's face,
Yes- I'll be down in 5 minutes -Karen x

Ok. No rush. -Kevin x

Karen leapt off her bed, grabbing her hairbrush and tugging it through her dark locks, applying coats of mascara and lipgloss. She looked herself up and down in the floor length mirror, she sighed. She pulled out a pair of her more decent jeans, shoving her legs through them- attempting to not fall over. Grabbing her handbag (double checking it had her purse with an adequate amount of money in), her phone and keys to her hotel room, she eventually made it out of the hotel room and down to the bar.
Her eyes meeting with Kevin's across the crowded bar, flitting them away- fearful that what she had joked about with Janette may become true. Fearful that she'd fall for the guy with the mascara and dark hair with the dance moves, only for him to leave for something better. Something that didn't make him part of her life....

You and Me ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora