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Kenny didn't have a fancy or new truck, but it still got you from point A to point B. Kyle didn't mind leaving his car at the party, he was too much of a mess to drive.

As soon as Kyle and Kenny were alone in his truck, Kyle burst into tears. Kenny didn't really say anything. He just held Kyle's hand and offered him tissues.

At Kyle's request Kenny didn't take him home straight away. He knew that if he came home like this Ike would have a million questions. Plus, possibly tell their parents.

He didn't really know where Kenny was taking them, just that it was the opposite direction of Kyle's house. He didn't care though, he trusted Kenny.

When they reached their destination, Kyle had stopped crying. Kenny parked his old truck in front of the South Park pond.

They sat there quietly for what felt like hours. Kyle finally covered his face with his hands and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with my mess." Kyle said through his hands.

Kenny sighed. "I'll let you in on a secret. When my dad is drunk and angry, I take my brother and sister here. We all scream at the top of our lungs. When we're finished our throats are sore, but we feel better."

"Are you giving me advice?" Kyle asked confused as to why Kenny told him this. Kenny nodded his head. Kyle hunched his shoulders and got out of Kenny's warm truck. It's not like he had anything else to loose.

Kyle took a deep breath and screamed. He screamed for a while. He screamed till his throat felt sore and his voice was hoarse. He did just as Kenny had described.

Kyle climbed back into the warm truck. Kenny smiled at him. It was a look he hadn't ever seen Kenny give anyone, but his little sister.


Kyle nodded. "I can't believe he knew." Kyle said. His voice was barely hearable from screaming.

"We all knew you liked him." Kenny's voice filled with disgust. "Stan made an ass out of himself and after tonight, he's gonna have lost a lot of friends." Kenny stated.

Kenny didn't look at Kyle, he just looked at the lake. Kyle felt a soft flush spreed across his freckled face. His thoughts were filled with one question, does Kenny like him?

Kenny looked at Kyle at the corner of his eye. He saw the gears in Kyle's brain start to turn. He gripped his steering wheel.

Kenny always did his best to hide his feelings towards Kyle. He didn't want to enter, what already felt like, a love triangle. Kenny unclicked his seatbelt. Throwing his door open, he jumped out. He didn't even try to shut the door.

"FUCK!" He screamed. Kyle was confused at first, but then got out. He went around to Kenny. Kyle held his hand and they both screamed until they couldn't speak.

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