Chaper II

6 3 0

January, 27, 2013


My eyes flicker, am I back home I wonder? No I can't be, the dead rose last night. My parents were the first to go. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I try to sit up but, I was suddenly struck with agonizing pain.

I here tapping as my sound comes into focus. Slowly I look towards the sound and there was the man that cut the walkers head clean off its body. He was tapping away on a long oak rocking chair, while his knife was flowing threw his fingers.

I try to speak, but my throat was dry. As he looks up at me, "wa-ter." I managed saying, but I couldn't speak after words. Amazement was in his eyes as he headed out of the room and returning seconds later.

"I'm surprised you are still alive after what you have been through." his voice was like a police siren in a tunnel. Flinching to the sudden harsh sounds. He gave me the glass of water. After taking a sip of water I tried to sit up. "Woah don't try to get up you have been asleep for a couple of days." With a quizzical look on my face, pain went soaring threw my body as I fall back down to the soft pillow, and I black out a second time.

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