
40 3 6


January, 23, 2013.

  All I can see are blurry, lifeless bodies stumbling around, running into each other. Tripping over fallen things from the houses as people fled the city, with only a couple people that had escaped their fate. While the others not making it past the city walls. Their hopeless legs carrying them where ever they go, or standing still, waiting. Waiting for something, or someone.

In the distance I see a smallish figure run across the street with a slight blur. Behind the figure the walkers fell to the ground. One by one they dropped, until the very last one's head was chopped.

Hiding in a shadowy corner I sat terrified, wondering if someone would find me or be taken by the walkers. The figure looks towards my direction. A small flare went scoring threw my body as a walker comes towards me, only to stop under a street lamp where you could see its face. The lower jaw was missing flesh, the nose was nowhere to be found only blood and torn skin laid where the nose once sat. While it only had one eye as the other one was empty. In the one eye you could still see the terror in it, as when it turned. It's lifeless body was hunched over. It's tongue rolled over its reddened teeth.

The last thing I saw was the teeth of its mouth separate and a snarl escape its mouth, as its head was cut clean with one fluid motion. The head hit the ground and bounced right next to me, as I screamed and kicked the head away the figure stepped into the light. He looked up from the fallen body, right at me and the kindest smile walked up his face. His eyes as dark as the night sky with a small twinkle in his eye. His hair wavy as the sand seas. He was wearing black cloths as though he was ready to rob a bank. He  walked towards me and dropped to one knee with his hand stretched out towards me, as I was reaching for his hand, my eyes rolled back into my head and I black out.

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