Chapter 2

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Hazel's POV

Louis eyes were filled with pure terror after I honked that air horn. It made me want to laugh so hard. And that is exactly what I did. I was holding my sides and Louis gave me a quick glare.

I got up and put up the air horn. Louis was still outside and that is exactly where he was going to stay. He got up and stood, rubbing the back of his head. I rolled my eyes. I did not want him to be here. He is actually the last person I wanted to see today.

"Can I come in? I am so tired," He yawned.

Um no

"No you can't. It's just me here and knowing you, I don't really want to be alone with you," I replied. He had a fuck you sort of look on his face.

"Please can I just come in and talk to you," He almost begged.

"It's still no. You called me scum and expect me to just let you come in and have a nice a little chat," I was starting to get really pissed. "No that is not going to happen. You think just because you are 'the most popular guy at school' doesn't mean I will just do anything for you. You should go because I really don't want to deal with you right now."

He gave me almost a hurt look. He then backed up a little and turned on his heels and walked back to his car.

If he was anyone else I would have felt like a complete bitch and run up to him and hug him, but he isn't anyone else. He is the person I hate most right now. He is the person who is obsessed with me. He was 'the most popular guy in school'. He was Louis fucking Tomlinson.

Louis' POV

I arrived back at my house when I was told to leave by Hazel. I can't handle being rejected by her. I want to be with her and she won't let me be with her. I want to talk to her. I need to change her mind about me.

I didn't want to go to school today, but I had to. No matter how much I hate admitting she is right about me, it's true. I need to be there so I know what people say about me. If someone thinks they are better I make sure I am the best.

I grabbed some pants and a t-shirt and pulled them on quickly. I brushed and messed with my hair a little and grabbed my phone and keys. I went outside and got into my jeep and drove to school.

I kept thinking if Hazel would show up. She is going to be in my mind all day today. I won't be able to think about anything else.


School was extremely horrible. It went past so quickly. It was all just a daze.

Hazel wasn't there.

"Hey Lou," Harry walked up to me.

"Hey," I replied. We walked out of the school together with many girls smiling and giggling as we passed.

"How is it going with you and Aubrey?" I needed to make conversation to get my mind off of Hazel.

"We are done. She was fun but got sort of boring and clingy like I was actually her boyfriend," He said with a slight smirk on his face.

We walked to my jeep and Harry walked away. I got in and drove away from the school. I thought I was going home but suddenly I was in front of her house.

She is just such a distraction.

Hazel's POV

I was sprawled across my bed with my laptop on my stomach and a cookie in my mouth. This is the life I live. All I ever need is Dr. Pepper, wifi, and food. I survive like this.

I thought about this morning with Louis. I thought about when I might have seen hurt in his eyes when I said all that stuff to him. I shook the thought out of my mind. I don't care if Louis is hurt by what I say. He deserves it all.

I wanted to text my best friend, Cara, but my phone was so far. I tried reaching for it but i couldn't. I almost yelled for my mum to get it for me but then I remembered...she wasn't there.

I started thinking about when Louis asked me out. It was absolutely the worst day of my life. Ever.

I was standing in the halls putting my stuff in the locker and everyone was clearing out of the school and going home. All of the sudden Louis had walked up to me. He didn't sugar coat the question at all. He literally said will you go out with me? I was sort of shocked by the question but then it quickly became disgust.

He had this stupid smirk on his face like he expected me to immediately say yes. I said no and his expression immediately changed. He asked me why not and I just shrugged. He seemed so pissed off at my answer like I gave him the wrong answer. He called me a disgusting pig whore and said he only asked me because he felt bad that no one else would want to even touch me. Yeah...he is a major dick.

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone banging on the door. I swear to god if this is Louis I will slam the door in his face.

Louis' POV

I banged on her door. I can't stand her not wanting me. She is going to love me. Trust me she will.

The door was all of the sudden opened and I smiled a little. She took one look at me and slammed the door shut.

What the actual hell?

HEY GUYS!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will try to update a lot. I know this chapter is sorta short but deal. Mmkay? mmkay :). VOTE AND STAY GUCCI!

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