swaragini a new story

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In night gadodia mansion (swara's room)

Parvati enter in swara's room with a glass of milk .she give milk to swara

Parvati :beta,it's late.go sleep

Swara:ok dadi,good night

And she handover the glass to parvati and she gone

Swara close the door and arrange the bed then take a small ganesh idol in her hand

Swara:ganesh ji, after one week i saw sanskar ji.i don't know why this feeling are get in my mind.you know god i love him. Not from today . more than 5years.but i know he love my didi.god please understand by mind he is not mine. But his care,protection,naughtiness, smartness always attreact me
She smile sadly

Next day (around 10 am)

Three girls are walking through the road.
Girl1:where we are going?

Girl2:just wait

Girl3:hey, look their

A man keep knife towards a girl s neck .that girl is crying
Girl:please leave me

Man:do what i say

Girl :no,never

That three girls saw this.girl 1 get angry.she saw a brick in road .she take that brick and walk towards them
She beat him
With that brick
That knife fell down from his hand
She take that girl to her side

Man:how dare you bloody idiot

Girl1:how dare you to tuch her

Man:its none of your bussiness

Girl:didi please help me

Girl1:dont worry, first tell what's the problem?

Girl:voo my baba brought money from his hand. But baba couldn't payed on correct time.
He want me to a night
Didi please help me
Girl 1:dont worry we will complain this to police

(Girl1 to girl2)

Girl 1:sakshi call the police

After some times they handover him to police

And that three girls went from there
sakshi:ragu ,you did a great job

(Yes that girl is ragini)

Ragu:ok okee.but first tell me. Where we are going?

Sakshi:mansi,ragu we are going to a cancer center there is a programme

Mansi:what programme?

Sakshi:hair donation to cancer patients

Ragini :ohh, that is god.we cut our hair for fashion. But cancer patients they lost their hairs. They really feel sad.it is nice idea

Mansi:one minutes guys

Ragini:what mansi

Mansi:how can our hair is usefull for them

Sakshi:areh bhuddu,they can make wig from it

Mansi:if they will be cut more hair?

Ragini :just 5 or 6 cm

Precaps:laksh  engagement with kavya

Please forgiveme my grammar mistakes

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