short dtama cd FINE english ver

Start from the beginning

Yuzuru: Please be at ease, young master. It is idol-like work, a unit song and a commercial photoshoot, so...

[Electric guitar music starts starts to play]

Tori: Really? Oh... thank goodness! I was panicking, thinking I was gunna be subjected to life-threatening danger again! Well, as the strongest Unit in Yumenosaki Academy, we wouldn't get kind of weird work, would we! Heheeh. It's suitable work for "Fine," the kings of this place! Yuzuru, you did a good job finding us work, didn't you! I'll praise you!

[Popping sound effects play]

Tori: That being as it is, we do have to go look for the President, don't we... You already looked in the student council room, and he's not here either, so... I wonder if he's out showing his face at his club activities?

Yuzuru: I don't suppose that he could be. Today, the tea club does not have any activities, so...

Tori: Hmmm... Then, maybe he's still in the classroom, or something? Yuzuru, go and look! My tummy is hungry, so I'm gunna have lunch here!

[Rattling noises play]

Yuzuru: Then, please partake of this bento. Please do not leave a single bite uneaten, alright? If you do happen to leave something....

[Scary sound effects play]

Tori: Oooooh! I get it! I'll be good and eat it, so, so don't glare at me with that scary expression! I'mnotgunnabeabletosleepatnight!

[The music stops, Eichi laughs gently, the sounds of chirping birds play]

Eichi: I thought I heard some joyful voices... It was you two, wasn't it, Tori and Yuzuru? [Piano music begins to play, the sound of Eichi's footsteps as he approaches]

Eichi: If it's alright, could we join you, too?

[Shrill sparkling sound effects]

Wataru: AMAZING! The His Majesty, the Emperor does not need the consent of the other party to barge in. This is where you plunk yourself down here, and command that tea be brought forth, Eichi!

Tori: Ahh, President! Presideeent!

[Sound of Tori running and panting, he grabs onto Eichi, Tori makes happy baby noises]

Eichi: Tori, you're a spoiled one, aren't you? What a good boy.

[Tori makes more happy noises, a whimsical sound effect plays]

Eichi: Were you lonely, not being able to see me?

Tori: There's that, too, but we were just about to go look for you, President, so I was just thinking that it was great that we didn't pass each other by!

Tori: Um, you know? We got a request for work! It's a unit song and a commercial photoshoot! Yuzuru got us those jobs, you know!

Eichi: Although that should have been where I come in.. I'm sorry to have made you handle that, Yuzuru.

Wataru: Eichi, you are in the process of convalescing, so it is natural for us, who are your hands and feet, to act for you! It is enough for the His Majesty, the Emperor to sit on his throne and simply dole out the strategy! Eichi, you should rely upon us more. That I want to be useful to you, that I thought that itself, is the equivalent of a miracle. That miracle, you brought to life. If this is not what you call nostalgia, then whaaaat could you call it, I wonderrrrr!

[Flapping sounds of Wataru flailing around and groaning]

Wataru: Rrrghhhh.... AMAZING! The world of today is overflowing with surprise! For the His Majesty, the Emperor, let us sing!

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