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[The school bell rings]

[Footstep sound effects play]

Mao: When Hokuto calls me out to somewhere, usually something is up, you know? That guy… looks level-headed, but he’s quite belligerent, and all. It feels like he might say, “We’ve been challenged to a duel again, so I decided to accept it,” or something. Though I’d really wish he’d give me a break with the hassles. Well, it’s not like there isn’t a part of me that enjoys that, too Even if it is as I imagined, I guess I’d go along with him, huh?

[Sound of a sliding door opening plays]

Mao: Heey!

[The sliding door closes]

Hokuto: Oh, Isara. Thanks for coming.

[Sound of footsteps plays]

Mao: There’s no way I’d ignore it when you called me, right? Huh? Even Subaru and Makoto are here? Was Trickstar’s practice day today?

Hokuto: No, I called Akehoshi and company out here, same as you. Actually, idol work has come in for us. Specifically, for a unit song and a magazine gravure interview.

[Cheerful piano music begins to play, Subaru jumps up.]

Subaru: Oh! A unit song, and stuff! How idol-like, huh! Speaking of which, for two jobs to come in at the same time, that’s amazing, isn’t it? Is something else we can thank Hokke for, since he went all around promoting our name?

Hokuto: It’s not just the result of my efforts, but also the result of our many Dream Fes live performances. However, it is not like we don’t have anything to worry about. No matter how much our popularity has risen, if we fail here, we’ll be back to square one. In the end, even our very existence could be forgotten. That is the world of show business. And that itself is why, no matter what the job, we need to take it on with it a gentlemanly attitude.

[A dismal sound effect plays]

Subaru: *sigh*.... Hokke, you talk so much… In short, what’s the deal?

Hokuto: Uh… yeah. It’s a gravure interview and, I wanted to say we’ll have Yuuki participate as well, but…

Subaru: Ahh, I see. The unit song is fine, but the other one is a gravure interview, isn’t it? The gravure is the tricky part for Ukki, and all. And that’s why you were worried, Hokke.

Mao: A magazine gravure interview, huh…. Makoto, do you feel like you can do it?

[The music stops]

[Makoto messes with his glasses]

Makoto: Ehhh… Honestly, I don’t have any confidence in myself, and all.. and if I could run away from it, I would want to, but… But, I can’t run from this, can I? From here on, this kind of request will come up more frequently, I’m sure, and all.. And I can’t just run around saying “I don’t like having my picture taken!” can I?

Mao: Yeah, you’ve become quite respectable, haven’t you? If this was the you from just a bit ago we were talking about, you would have run away from this, no chance of changing your mind. Perhaps having Sena-senpai take your picture during Duel was good for you, huh?

[Whimsical music featuring whistling begins to play]

Makoto: Ah… I couldn’t stand it that time, so… but, that that certainly might have been the start for me. But, I wonder if I can do it? When I’m in front of a camera, my face stiffens up, and I break out into a cold sweat and tremble, you know?

Mao: When Sena-senpai did it, you didn’t, did you? Ahh, but, you were sweating, weren’t you.. and your expression was a little stiff.

Makoto: That was because I was being pushed forward by Izumi-san’s momentum, you know? At any rate, Izumi-san’s tension was so high, I felt with all my being that I wanted to run away, but…

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