"A Whole New AHHHHHH! HOT HOT HOT HOT!" The boy nearly slipped as he moved away from the shower head.

"That's what you get for leaving the door unlocked!" Reiner snickered.

Bertholdt stuck his head out from behind the curtain, shampoo still in his hair. "Oh how mature of you.." He scolded.

Reiner continued to smile as his best friend poked his head out of the shower, "Oh come on man. You're wide awake now, aren't you?"

"I-I guess, but-"

"Then you should be thanking me."

Bertholdt rolled his eyes with a breathless chuckle and closed the curtain again. "Just let me finish my shower in peace, please." He asked playfully.

"Alright man, you enjoy yourself." Reiner laughed lightly and left the bathroom. 


Across the hall, Mikasa was laying on her bed, reading a book. She had gotten up very early and was ready before her friends. Eventually, they had woken up and gotten ready as well. She wore a cute blue top with jeans and sneakers. Unlike Eren and Armin, it had been a long and sleepless night for Mikasa. She was having a small case of homesickness, but she did not dare tell the boys about it. She didn't want to upset them, or worse: have them worry about her.

"So, Armin?" the raven-haired girl asked, placing the book down on the bedside table. "What park did you say we were going to again?"

Armin pulled his brush through his hair as he looked in the mirror, "Hollywood Studios." He told his friend with a smile as Eren exited the bathroom, having just finishing brushing his teeth and still in his pajamas.

"Ah," Mikasa nodded, "Sounds interesting. I wonder what there is to do there."

"Well, there's the Tower of Terror, Indiana Jones, Star Wars," Armin began to list as Eren took the hair brush out of his hand and began to work on his own hair.

"Indiana Jones? I didn't know he was a part of Disney." Mikasa said with a confused look on her face. 

Armin nodded and let Eren use his hairbrush, "I have it planned for today! It'll be great."

Eren groaned digging through his bags for a shirt, "Why do we always have to have a plan Armin?"

"Because, if I let everyone run off by themselves we wouldn't get any time together."

Hearing that made Mikasa smile a bit. Armin cared so much about everyone being together. It was actually really sweet.

"We should let everyone run off by themselves," Eren grunted as he pulled the hair brush through a knot in his hair. "At least for one day. It gets sickening when Ymir and Krista are all over each other. Then, when Ymir and Reiner start arguing I kinda want them both to walk off of a bridge together."

"Eren!" Mikasa scolded.

"What! Tell me you don't want five minutes without their name calling!" 

"Well...no." Mikasa started before Eren cut her off again.

"For once this week I'd like to ride a ride and not hear: 'Oh Krista my darling'" Eren badly mocked Ymir's voice, "And then: 'Hrgadurg I should be the one with Krista,'" He mocked Reiner's voice. "And then they just call each other names for twenty minutes!"

"Armin wants us all together," Mikasa began again, "Disney World can get very crowded and we lost you for a good half hour in EPCOT. As much as you don't like it, we all have to stay together."

"They're all big boys and girls, and so am I. We can find our way back if we try hard enough! Besides, they're all great, but I do just wanna spend time with you and Armin." Eren admitted, slamming the hairbrush down on the sink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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