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It had been several days since J'Khati started taking me outside, but I would never get over its wild beauty. I had been vigorously training with her, and taking lessons with Fecta. I was well versed in both drastically different arts. I had also grown a lot closer to Fecta, and although she was a little strange, I had developed a grudging liking for the odd Xenomorph.

The air was crisp and cold, my warm breath fogging around my face as I exhaled. I heard birds and insects chirping and buzzing all around me, and became acutely aware of everything happening around me. I heard the crunch of leaves as J'Khati and I stepped cautiously out into the forest. Sunlight filtered through the trees and cast a golden halo around J'Khati. The rushing sound of a waterfall erupted my senses, probably half a mile away. Apparently more had changed with the transformation than I thought.

"It's beautiful," I said audibly, trying to put to use some of the lessons Fecta had already taught me.

J'Khati grunted in surprise. "Indeed," she said. "When there's no combat."

The air of danger returned to me. "Are there enemies here?" I asked.

"There shouldn't be, not so deep within the borders," she reassured me.

I decided to switch back to telepathy. I was a fast learner, but not that fast. 'Are we hunting today?' I asked.

'Yes,' she said. 'Let's go deeper into the woods. I will let you select your own prey.'

We traveled silently through the forest. It was odd, hearing the birds and other animals go silent at the approach of J'Khati. They knew what a predator she was.

Over a hill I spotted a wild boar. Humans had brought animals from Earth and introduced them here. After a while the animals bred and created wilder versions of the tamed species. They roamed the wild, apparently providing ample food for the Xenos.

'I want that one,' I said to J'Khati. She nodded.

I dropped into a crouch, the bushes hiding me from the boar's sight. It was rustling in the leaves, completely oblivious of the hungry girl stalking it. I made sure to avoid twigs and dry leaves, and I padded noiselessly, until I was right in front of it.

I waited, until it started to come towards me. Mustering all of the might that I could into my legs, I lunged out of the brush and forwards. My tail whipped out behind me, balancing me in midair. The boar didn't even have time to shriek as my razor sharp inner jaws closed around its throat, crushing its windpipe. Blood filled my mouth, and I instinctively spit it out. I then realized that I didn't even find it unappetizing. The blood didn't taste awful, and my stomach growled in unrealized hunger.

"That was fantastic!" J'Khati told me out loud, bounding over to me in effortless grace. "I have never seen such skill in a beginner! And you're not even fully Xenomorph.'

"Beginner's luck, I guess," I said, trying to sound careless but inside feeling a little freaked out. I had no idea why I was good at any of this.

"Let's take it back to the Hive and show the Queen," J'Khati ordered. "She will be so pleased."

Hauling the boar back was no easy task, but J'Khati helped me out. I heard oos of appreciation from the other Xenos, and I saw a couple give me jealous glares. I held my chin hi, marching alongside J'Khati, my hand on the boar's hide. I wanted them to know that I was part of this Hive. I was one of them, and I could contribute.

At last, we slung the boar in front of the magnificent Queen.

She was still a sight to behold, and I didn't think I would ever get over it. I supposed she was slumbering, as she slid out of her crown and stretched her head. Enormous silver teeth were displayed as she yawned, and peered down at us.

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