Shocking truth

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   (Third person POV)
Meredith got her kids ready for school and daycare in her usual routine, she went to work and  began her day semi-normal. The Harper Avery news cast welcoming her at the door, "Doctor Shepherd, who do you thank in your speech when you say,  'I wanted to thank the man who wore a fairy boat scrub cap'  as to you also wear a Fairy boat scrub cap?" They finish pushing a MIC in my face, "My late husband, I'm sorry I have to work find me at lunch?"
  She walked to the Attending's lounge and slid down the old locker that use to contain all of Derek's belongings. She began to hymn their song, when a knock on the door intruded the silent thoughts of her missing husband.
  "Meredith?" Doctor Webber seemed concerned, he sat next to her on the white tile floor. Meredith buried her face her my knees,  "They said you were rude to them again," Richard ruined the incredible silence.
  "Tell them I'll be nice when they stop asking me questions about Derek," she leaned my head against his large shoulder, "I can't breath without missing him, I couldn't mourn because I didn't want to miscarry and I had Bailey and Zola constantly asking, 'When's daddy coming back from Washington?' And one day I couldn't face them like that anymore so I explained that daddy died and you know what Zola said?" Meredith began to tear up.  

  "What she say?" Richard said unfolding his arms and placing them around Meredith just as he did on the night her mother passed away.

"She said, 'how can I say bye?' which broke me. I believe in science Richard, I really do! But I couldn't take this away from her. So the only thing I could think to say was talk to him like he's here. He will listen." Meredith started to bawl in Richards arms and he patiently just sits their waiting for me to finish.

  "Well do you think that maybe,  just maybe that if Derek can back you'd accept him?"

  "He not coming-" he cut her off with the mere raise of his eye brows in a 'Meredith Grey Shepherd answer me now!' Fatherly type of way.

  "Of c-course'" Meredith whispered out in the tears again. 

   A|N how should I reintroduce Derek?

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