chapter 15

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That bitch was there. The one who fucked up Jahseh, took 3,000 fucking dollars FROM HIS MOFO FAMILY, put him in jail and cheated on him with all his best friends.

Oh and me? I just did everything I could to make him happy, I fucking made all his favorite foods and pleasured him. Only bad thing I did was get pregnant. What else does he fucking want??

"So you're fucking around with this bitch? The bitch who screwed you up?" I ask, Geneva gets up and walks over to me getting her stanky ass in my face.

"Who are you calling bitch? You're the slut around here, getting pregnant and forcing poor Jahseh to stay with you because of it. Fuck off white whore." She told me adding a grin. 

Hmph. Wrong move cunt.

 I grabbed her shoulders and forced them down so she was partially bent, and I thrusted my knee up into her face. 

Her bitch ass falls to the ground and I fight the tears that wanted to come out my eyes. I didn't know what to say and he looked like he didn't know what to say either.

 He just stared and the room was silent except for Geneva's groans of pain.

All I know is that he doesn't have to deal with me anymore. I'm raising our kid alone, and they'll never meet their fucked up father.

I run out, run to my car and start it then drive away. While I'm driving, I dial pump's number.

"Aye wassup mami?" Pump picked up.

"Whoever is at your house make them leave now. I'm coming over and staying for awhile. Also, empty your fridge. I have a lot of groceries." I tell him, and end it. I'm sure as hell not gonna waste these damn groceries.

 Pump lives a half hour away, which sucks ass because it means I have time to think about what happened. And I can't cry. I refuse to.

I just had my windows up, blasting one of Ski's songs. X is the only one with sad songs, or calming ones but I can't listen to his voice. I'll break down. Half hour later, I pull up to pump's house and angrily barge in. 

He was sitting on the couch and watching tv, but turned when he heard me slam the door.

"Hey Leil what happened?" Gazzy asks me.

I just cried. "Jahseh. Geneva. They-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because how heart broken I was. 

Pregnant - JAHSEH ONFROY/XXXTENTACIONWhere stories live. Discover now