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He sat up in bed rubbing his temples. No way, he thought, I dreamed about an... Apple? He shook his head and looked out the window. The sun was rising already. Draco got out of bed and changed. Then he brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and thought about the insults for Harry Potter,

    "Nasty half-blood," Draco looked at himself over the sink. This was his third year at Hogwarts.And he had to spend it will a whole bunch of blood-traitors. Or worse, mudbloods.

    Malfoy shook his head and started down the stairs towards the Great Hall. Not many people were in the Great Hall though. There were a couple Slytherins, some Gryffindors, no Hufflepuffs, and two Ravenclaws. Crabbe and Goyle were already at the table.

    "Little blokes," Malfoy made his way towards the table and sat down next to... ew Pansy Parkinson. She twirled a hair in her finger and smiled at Draco, who then fake smiled back. What? He couldn't let his reputation be ruined.

    Draco then grabbed an apple and realized he was late for Care of Magical Creatures. HE sighed in disgust as he saw his class was with that Hagrid character. And just to make it worse Harry Potter was there, too.

    "Great." He walked off to the edge of the forest were the class was taking place, an apple still in his hand. It was a green Granny Smith apple. The edges shone in the sun and the there wasn't a single bruise or cut on it. Or should I say on her.

    Draco noticed this. He shook his head. No one's that perfect. Yet he couldn't seem to get his eyes off her. Together, they watched Potter fly a bloody chicken and that's when Draco tried to impress her.

    "Stupid, Potter. I'll show you just how easy this is," his words came out harsh. He advanced to the bird like creature and granted, he didn't bow which caused some trouble. The bird thing Raised its hooves and scratched at Draco's arm. A sting came and stayed on his arm and he collapsed. He heard Apple scream and smiled slightly.

    The big oaf called Hagrid picked him up and walked through the crowd.

    "Curse the bloody chicken," he whimpered, the pain still in his arm.

    For some time, they went through the halls of Hogwarts all the way to Madam Pomfrey. Draco was laid down on one of the beds and he saw in the light that blood covered his hand. He whimpered again. All he wanted to do was impress Apple, not scare the living heck out of her! Ugh, what's he supposed to do now?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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