Chapter 2- The Ball

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Tonight was the night, the night hundreds of human girls came to find their mate, their happy ever after.

Another night where I have to be a prince, to be royal, to please people.

My father, the king, hosts the ball every year in the hopes that his subjects will find their mates. Especially me. His only son.

I'm nineteen in both human years and vampire years, yes I'm a vampire. Next year when I turn twenty I will stop ageing and be forever young. Any natural born vampire stops ageing at twenty, only turned vampires can be older, that's why my father and my mother look the same age as me. Creepy right?

Back to the ball.

The king had sent in many servants to 'prepare' me for the ball, for my mate. Ppttff. I had been going to this ball for the past 5 years and not once had I found my mate, many girls dream of being my mate, humans, vampires even witches and werewolves.

I mean come on, I'm irresistible.

I smirked as I looked in the mirror.

My black hair was left messy as always, my blue-sliver eyes were sparkling even more, my freshly shaven jaw was strong and my luscious lips stood out against my pale skin.

I was pale, no doubt, but I was less pale than other vampires. Weird right?

Anyway, the maids were still fussing over me and I was getting annoyed,

"Leave!" I commanded and they all left.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

I may be a player but still I wanted my mate, the one I would spend the rest of my life with, the one I would protect with my life, the one-.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door, and my mother walked in, I smiled at the women who loved and cared for me. I had a soft spot for my mother, I loved her.

"Honey, your fathers waiting,"

My parents had been together for at least two hundreds, when they met at a ball just like the one I was going to, my grandfather died before I was born although vampires are immortal we can die. My grandfather was attacked and killed, my father took his place as king, he misses him though you can tell.

I follow my mother and enter the ball room, many supernaturals are already there and are dancing or chatting with each other. When we enter they look up and bow.

I go over to my father who is talking to his friend, what's he called, Harry.

Me and my mother go and sit on the two empty thrones.

"Let the party begin." My father announced and all the female humans were brought in on one half of the room and males on the other.

I perked up, I smelled a smell vanilla and cinnamon, it was delicious. My mother and father seemed to notice and smiled,

"Go son, go find her." My father said.

I got up and followed the smell.

I looked up and came face to face with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen,

"Mate," I whispered, her head shot up and her eyes widened when she realised who I was.

"Shit." She mumbled before she fainted, but before she could reach the ground I caught her. I buried my nose into her neck.


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