Chapter 5- Escape

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The only thing I could think of, as I ran through corridors and hallways and staircases that supposedly lead out of this maze of a building, was the look in his eyes when he looked into mine. A flutter in my chest escaped at the thought. Emily you don't even know his name, get a hold of yourself, you're better than this.

If I got caught there was no doubt in my mind that he would turn me, he would turn me and ruin me like they had my mother. I couldn't become her, I wouldn't. I never wanted this, all them other foolish girls did, so why did it have to be me? Was the world that cruel?

Returning to the task at hand I realised I must have run into the servants corridors, for there were rooms smaller than I would expect his cloakrooms would be. Two twin sized beds were placed in each room, each tidy and neat, all identical.

Realising that to escape this castle would be a suicidal mission, or at least a fruitless one, I knew I would have to hide. Make him believed I had escaped and when he goes looking sneak out myself.

Rushing into the nearest chambers I rummaged through clothes at the foot of the bed and found a servants uniform that I hoped would fit me fine. Shrugging on the grey dress and pinafore, which didn't fit me at all, I screamed internally with frustration.

"Hell-Hello?" A meek voice coaxed me from my anger, a girl no older than me eighteen at the most stood at the entrance.

The pleading in my eyes must have been pretty obvious, or she could just tell I was in distress because she disappeared for a couple seconds leading me to believe she had left to sound an alarm or something my overactive mind could think up like going to get a knife to kill me with.

Her shaking outstretched hand interrupted my absurd thoughts, looking down at the clothes in her hand a small smile made its way on my face.

"I thought maybe my clothes would fit you better, but if you don't want- I mean it was a stupid idea I should just-"

"No!" I coughed to cover up my eagerness. "I mean no don't go that would be great." The resulting smile flashed my way, no one was ever this trusting, I could kill her or be a spy or something.

Yet here she was offering me her clothes and a naive smile to go with it, I knew when I left I would have to take her with me. He would kill her if he knew she helped me or even saw him.

"My names Bethany." Her sweet smile messed with my agenda but then I had an idea.

"I'm Emily and I need your help."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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