Cinema Fun

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A/N: Gosh I am a bit tired. I just got a big surprise from a certain some one and am not very happy. Well any ways, I hope you like this newwwww part of my amzing spectactuallyurnormis really awesome fan fic. Be ready and prepare for the awesomeness that is about to assault your mind with a awesome unicorn rainbow cake in celebration of Fionna and Cake!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I go home with tears in my eyes. I don't want to cry but everything in my body is telling me to. Another impulse is telling me to fudging crash their date. But I am definetly not like that. I am a nice person. And probably one of Fee's best guy friends. Maybe more. Muhahaha!

Well I am starting to worry about her 'friendly date' and I know P.B. will put the moves on her even if he knows that I like her cute self. Grrrrr. Not fun to deal with when trying to be friends with some one when they go out on a 'friendly date' with the peep your crushing on. I tell ya what I want to do. Crush him!

But then that would result in an evil war and I really don't feel like pummeling anybodies butt's this week, or the next, or the next. Instead I grab my baby off of it's stand and start playing. Sigh. Why can't liking some one alot, as I quote Fee myself, be as easy as playing my baby. I stroke the strings lightly first then start playing around.

I joke with the chords and then start to make a rthym that would make my music teacher proud. Then I stop suddenly. I get up to put my guitar back on it's stand but am side tracked by a photo of me and Fee laughing at each other. We are swimming in Great Ghost Lake and it's sun set. Then I realize how she is so beautiful in the picture and how the light catches the long blonde hair that she let's go out of her hat rarely.

The cute little hat that makes her more adorable, I think to myself. Gahh! Who am I kidding? I love Fionna and have loved forever. I really don't mean to get all gushy and stuff but this is serious chiznik. So instead i go to my bestfriend, Peepin's, for advice. Peepin lives in the darkest cave in the darkest mountain In Candyopinia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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