The doctor nodded. "What about full labor?"

Rory shrugged. "I'm not sure. My stomach pains were worse this morning, but nothing that I couldn't deal with to be honest. I guess it was an hour or so ago that they worsened to the point that I thought I was just going to be sick."

"Well, that's a bit quick, but some women are just built for labor. You've already dilated 5 cm. I think you've probably been dilated for a while now, which is why you've progressed so quickly. We'll be checking periodically and when you reach 10 cm, you'll be ready to deliver. You need to decide now if you want an epidural. If you wait too much longer, you won't be able to get one."

Not pausing to think about it, Rory just nodded her head. "Oh, yes to that epidural. I wanted it yesterday!"

The doctor chuckled. "I'll get the tech in here in a few minutes then. I'll see you in a bit."

Patting her leg, the doctor walked out. A few minutes later, a nurse came in and got the fetal heart-rate monitor hooked up to her. They spent a little bit getting it set just right and Rory was amazed at the sudden whooshing she heard. "So, that's baby's heart beat," she said in awe.

"Yes, ma'am."

The nurse left her and Logan walked in. "I saw the doctor in the hall and he filled me in. Sounds like we'll have a baby today," he told her as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, looks like we'll have a baby. Did you get up with everyone?"

Logan nodded. "Yeah, I left a message for our friends, so I'm not sure when I'll hear from them. But, our families are on their way. Once they get here, I imagine they'll want to visit you for a bit. Is that okay?"

Rory grimaced as a contraction hit and sighed. "I guess. If I go on and get it out of the way, then there's less opportunity for them to come in at a really bad moment."

"That's the spirit, Ace."

Before Rory could respond, another technician walked in. "I'm here to give you your epidural," she chirped.

Rory's eyes widened at her perkiness, but didn't say anything, just followed her directions as they told her to roll on her side. Logan helped her and talked to her to distract from the very large needle being poked in her back. After a few moments, the needle was in and Rory was able to ease back onto there back. "It should kick in in a few minutes. If it doesn't, ring the nurse station and I'll come back to down to check it out."

Rory nodded and tried to relax. They both sat in silence until Logan's phone chirped. He checked it and told her, "My parents are in the waiting room. Can I go get them?"

Rory nodded and watched him leave. She tried to steel herself for whatever might be about to happen. Mitchum and Shira came in with a balloon bouquet and a small bunch of flowers. "Rory!" Mitchum boomed, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, a bit like my insides are being squeezed in a vise. Other than that, I can't complain too much."

Mitchum laughed. Shira piped in, "I feel your pain. Labor with Honor and Logan was horrendous for me. Until they got the epidural in I thought I was just going to throw up on everything."

Rory was taken aback at Shira's candidness. "Uh, yeah. It did feel a bit like that now that you mention it."

They stayed a few minutes longer and left when they Logan told them Rory's grandparents were outside. Richard and Emily came in and visited her for a minute, also bringing in balloons and flowers. They didn't stay long either because Lorelai arrived and Logan wanted her to have a chance to see Rory before things progressed too much further. Lorelai came in and gasped mockingly. "Wow, did you suddenly buy out an arboretum?"

The Secretजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें