Chapter 10

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Though it wasn't as bad as she originally thought it would be, it was still rather rough once the announcement of her and Logan's marriage hit the papers. She and Logan were inundated with phone calls, e-mails, and texts from reporters, family and friends. None of that was more evident than with Logan's family. Outside of his sister Honor, who called each of them to congratulate them on their nuptials, neither Shira or Mitchum were thrilled.

Surprisingly, though, Mitchum was a bit more accepting once he and Logan met and discussed the entire situation.

"So, your dad didn't kill you since I'm talking to you," Rory said when Logan answered her call later the same day as the press release.

Logan chuckled. "Are you sure? I might actually be Logan's ghost that couldn't let go once Mitchum finally lost it."

"Logan! Please! Don't joke. I was really worried earlier when you said Mitchum was already requesting a meeting with you so soon after the announcement hit the papers.

"Ace, come on. I have to joke to lessen the stress I'm feeling right now."

Rory immediately felt bad. "You're right," she started, contrite. "I can only imagine the stress you're feeling right now with this. Tell me everything. Do I need to dig trenches around the house until you're able to come stateside? Fortify the windows?"

Logan laughed. "I think you can hold off on the trench warfare, though I would probably expect some sort of visit from Shira. All I know is she immediately fainted at the sight of our announcement and had to be taken to her room."

"So, she's chain smoking and doped up on Valium. She'll probably be by tonight at the earliest, but most likely tomorrow morning. I'll warn Grandma."

"See, you're already fitting in. You know exactly what my mom does!"

"Logan, please, stop stalling."

Logan sighed. There was a pregnant pause over the phone line as Rory waited for Logan to gather his thoughts. It sucked that she was in the States and Logan was still in England. At least in the same room, they could help each other with comfort and could read each other to better deal with whatever issues might arise. Through a phone, you can't tell anything except that they're, maybe, still breathing.

Eventually he continued. "Well, as expected, he was fire and brimstone when I walked into his office. Demanded I explain the meaning of the announcement and demanded to know what I was doing to counteract this obviously fake announcement on your part."

Rory gasped. "You're joking! He tried to say I made it up?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. He went off on a tirade about how this could ruin everything he's worked towards with Odette's family and that I needed to call her immediately to apologize. Of course, he stopped once I placed our wedding certificate on his desk."

"How'd he react to that? Blow a blood vessel?"

"Pretty close to it. Are you sure you weren't spying on us during the conversation? Anyways, he looked at it, saw the date of our marriage and started at me for several seconds. He called one of the company lawyers in the room to look over it. Guy didn't have too much to say about it except that it was authentic and he was shaking in his boots while saying that. I actually felt a little bad for him since we all knew that wasn't what Mitchum wanted to hear."

"Did the lawyer at least get to leave with his job in tact?"

"Yes, he wasn't fired. Anyways, Mitchum dismissed him and asked me how we came to meet back up and get married. So I gave him the CliffNotes version that he surprisingly accepted with few questions. After that, he asked what I wanted. So, I told him that I wanted to stay with the company but that I was also prepared to find employment elsewhere. I know what an asset I've been to him. I then laid out my terms: an office in New York or Hartford with telecommuting whenever possible so I can be with you and our child. Minimal traveling. Minimal overtime."

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