"Ace, it's fine. I'm just teasing you. Give me a few minutes to change into some sweats and I'll join you in your," Logan started and then grimaced, "Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon."

Rory laughed as he walked away. By the time he returned, Rory stopped the show and changed it over to Logan's side of Hulu for him to pick something. They settled on the couch and watched the movie Logan picked in silence for a bit. Eventually, they started talking about their days and Rory brought up the thing that had been niggling at her for a bit.

"Logan, do you think I close myself off?"

Logan looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

Rory explained the thoughts she had earlier. "I just feel like I'm realizing that we have this whole life here now and I haven't even bothered trying to get to know people or anything."

Logan stopped her before she could continue. "Ace, take a breath. Listen to me. You have closed yourself off a bit, but I think it's understandable. You're pregnant, we've just announced our marriage, moved into a new house, and are settling down in general. I think they'll cut you some slack considering what's going on in your life."

Rory released a breath, feeling better, but not totally. "Are you sure? I didn't recognize most of those people and I feel completely terrible about it! I'm a terrible wife!"

"Rory, stop. You are not a terrible wife. Your are distracted and pregnant, so it's fine! Take a calming breath and think for a minute."

Rory took the breath and calmed slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm just neurotic I guess."

"I can see that. What brought this on?"

"I told you. I was writing thank you cards for the people from the shower last weekend and I just realized that since I've been in Hartford, I haven't bothered to go out and meet anyone. I don't know a single person around us and it's lonely coming from Stars Hollow."

After that statement, Rory clammed up, realizing the truth of her words. For as long as she could remember, she always had the townspeople around her, acting as a second family for her, guiding her through her stages, and watching her every move. She was always surrounded by people that, while annoying, loved her and wanted her to be the best she could be. But, now she didn't have that. She was on her own, hypothetically speaking. She obviously wasn't alone because she had Logan, her grandparents, and her mom (she thought). But, it wasn't the same.

Rory felt herself tear up at the thought. While she was happy with her life with Logan, she couldn't help but be sad at the end of an era for her, an era she hadn't even acknowledged was done. Logan wiped the tears from her face. "Want to fill me in on what's making you cry?"

Rory sniffled, answering, "I just realized that the Stars Hollow part of my life is over."

Logan pulled Rory to him. "Ace, listen to me. It's over, but not really. You don't live there, but you're still their princess. Or, was it Ice Cream Queen?"

Rory laughed at that, remembering Taylor's attempt to get her to be the queen at his Soda Shoppe's opening day. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. Now, why don't we settle back into the movie and you can call you mom later to see about a visit?"

Rory nodded and snuggled into his side, trying to concentrate on the movie and not on her thoughts.


The next day found Rory sitting at her desk again, attempting to write the thank you cards. She wasn't having much luck, however, same as the day before. She was interrupted by a knock on the door. She furrowed her brow, not sure who would be there since she obviously didn't know anyone in the neighborhood. She slowly made her way to the door and opened it to find Lane on the other side.

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