Meet the brothers

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At the end of the school day, dick and Babs lead the team over to a black stretch limo idling in front of the school, right before they reached the car through the door opened up from the inside "come on baby bird get a move on!" Tim Drake yelled out the open door of the car.

"we're coming Timmy, just wait for a second" Dick yelled back as he and Babs entered the car the team following close behind.

"So Dickie who are your friends?" Terry McGinnis asked as the car started to move out of the school parking lot, "oh they're just a few friends that are staying over for a bit, Sunt tânăra echipă de justiție cu care lucram, dar Tati nu mă lasă să-i spun identitatea mea, așa că nu vorbește bine

(They're the young justice team that I have been working with but daddy won't let me tell them my identity so no vigilante talk alright)" dick responded adding the last part faster.

"Oh I see that's why there were new rooms all set up, Damian thought dad adopted even more people, Jay thinks he needs an intervention with his orphan problem" Tim said laughing as he finished, terry, dick, Artemis, and Babs joining in while the rest of the occupants in the car looked confused or horrified.

"Tati has about six kids and Stephanie that is practically family and most of us are indeed orphans" dick answered their silent question when he noticed their faces.

"do you agree birdie? he totally needs an intervention" Terry said as he picked dick up and set him on his lap.

"Terry! put me down!" dick yelled kicking terry with the backs of his legs, "young sirs do please behave yourselves in front of guests we are almost at our destination," Alfie told them as they pulled up to the front of the manner.

"Yay, let's go get ready for the intervention" Terry screamed as he hulled Dick over his shoulder and ran towards the door just as it opened revealing Damian Wayne with his everlasting glare pointed directly at Terry.

"McGinnis, place Grayson on the floor this instant or I shall persuade you further with my katana," Dami said almost as intimidating as he is when he's out as renegade. "Woah, calm down there demon I'm putting him down ok" Terry responded as he placed dick on the ground in front of the door and slowly backed away, "Birdie! Get in here already!" yelled the unseeable voice of Jason Todd.

"Um yeah come on in guys and meet my brothers," Dick says addressing the team over his shoulder as he walks into the manner, Babs following close behind.

"So tell me Grayson who are these people and why are they here?" Dami asks shooting a glare to the team, "well um..." the team murmurs as dick whispers in Romanian what he told Terry and Tim earlier to Damian and Jason. "I see, well how long are you all staying for" Damian asks the team. "this should be our last day as we should be leaving tonight after we get our things together" Kaldur replied being his composed self as always. "you will, of course, be staying for dinner though right guys" Artemis asks looking pointedly at the team "WELL OF CO-" "That would be wonderful if you'll have us a bit longer" Megan interrupted Wally before he could scream out anymore. "Fantastic maybe we can test these little heroes strength against true Gothamites," Jason says cracking his knuckles while letting a small but noticeable murderous glare bore into their souls. "I don't think that will be necessary," M'gann says pushing Conner back a bit as it seemed they super wanted to take him up on the offer. "Golly baby bird your friends are no fun," Jason says walking out of the room waving to the rest of the brothers. "I apologize for Todd's behavior he is not very good with people," Damian says placing a hand on Dicks' shoulder, the smaller leaning into the touch. "Yeah no kidding" Wally days seeming to forget the purpose of a verbal filter is. "Hey baby flash just because we make fun of Jay doesn't mean that you can too," Tim says glaring at the speedster angrily. "He didn't mean it Tim he just doesn't have a filter," Artemis says moving Wally behind her. "Alright everyone come to the dining room dinner is ready," A blonde girl wearing a purple t-shirt and jean shorts says poking her head in the door. "Ok, Stephanie!" Dick responds skipping towards the door this brothers and friends close behind.

As you can probably see my writing style switched halfway through this which is because I got lazy and sort of forgot about this, but thanks to emmabdemm  who reminded me of the story. I'll try to update soon but I get distracted very easily so the update probably wont be out for a while but thanks for sticken with me.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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