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We make it to the building where the party is being held and we stand outside. I look around and see loads of people on the floor passed out and others doing drugs and shit.
"That's very unchristian," Kate says.
"Agreed. That stuff scares me a little," I respond.
"Right. Let's go and try and have a good time," Kate says, very unenthusiastically. I chuckle and nod. We walk into the party and look round to see loads of people drinking and making out.
"I see why I've never come here before," I say to Kate.
"I know right. I wasn't expecting it to be this bad like wow," Kate replied.
"I want to get a drink but I only want some water, if they have juice, juice it shall be," I say. Kate laughs and nods in agreement.

We walk over to the drinks stand and see loads of alcoholic drinks.
"What shall it be? We have: beer, whiskey, vodka, martinis, wine, rum and many more," the guy behind the drinks stand says.
"Uhhh, you got any water?" I ask.
"Water. That's it, you just want, water," he says. I look at Kate and she looks at me and we look at the guy and nod.
"As you wish," he says and pulls out 2 glasses and 2 bottles of water. He pours the water in the glasses and places ice in it.
"Here's your boring ass water," he says and passes it to us.
"Thank you," we both say and walk off. We look around, not knowing what to do or how to act. I think about leaving as I wasn't enjoying myself at all. I was expecting more, well what I was expecting was less drugs and alcohol.
"So, where's your friend?" I ask Kate.
"I don't know, I think I'm going to text her asking where she is," Kate says. She pulls out her phone and starts typing. I look around the whole party and look at what everyone was doing.
"Sent the message, I swear if she isn't here and was just forcing me here I'm going to flip," Kate says and we both chuckle. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and I spin around quickly. It was Nathan.
"You actually did come," he says and looks down in your hands, "water, seriously."
"Playing it safe, the thought of drugs and alcohol sickens me," I explain. I look around at Kate who has seemed to back off a little. She seems uneasy.
"Kate?" I ask. Nathan looks at her as well.
"I-I'm fine," she says. I could see she kept stepping backwards. I see one of her friends, and she seems to notice them as well.
"There's the friend I was meeting, I'll uhhhh.. See you later," she says. She didn't seem to be staring at me while saying that though, she seemed to be staring at Nathan.
"Wait! I thought we were sticking together," I say.
"I said I'll speak to you later." She says sternly. I nod and she walks off.
"Something wrong?" Nathan says to me.
"I don't know anymore honestly," I say. I drunk some of my water and notice that Nathan was staring at me the whole time.
"Everything okay?" I ask. He nods. I take in some of my drink again.
"Just admiring how beautiful you are," he says. I chocked on my water a little and moved the glass away from my mouth.
"Excuse me?" I say and cough a little.
"What? Am I not allowed to compliment a pretty lady?" He asks.
"No, just wasn't expecting it," I respond.
"I guess I have many surprises in store," he says and moves closer to me. I take a step back from him and show I'm a little uncomfortable.
"Relax will ya and start having fun?" He says. "I'm going to get you a real drink." He takes my water away.
"Hey!" I shout to him as he walks off to the drink stand. I see Kate was nearby, buying another drink. It didn't seem to be water though. I run up to her.
"Kate?" I ask. She turns to me a little shocked to see me.
"Is that... Alcohol?" I ask her. She looks at me but doesn't say a word.
"Kate," I say again.
"Yes, yes okay? I was thinking maybe I can have one drink and have water the rest of the night. I'm not having much," she replies.
"I'm fine with that I just wasn't expecting you to have one. Be careful though, most of these drinks are very strong and could have stuff in them," I remind her.
"Relax, you seem extremely tense," she says to me. I sigh.
"Everyone has said that tonight," I say quieter to how I usually speak. I look around and Nathan jesters me over to him.
"I'll speak later," I say and walk over to him. He seemed to have bought every single alcoholic drink there was at that stand and placed them on a coffee table with sofas around it.
"What the fuck is this?" I ask. He chuckles. He pats his hand on the sofa, saying for me to sit down. I walk over and sit down.
"You've got to try every drink here, and I'll pay you £50," he says with a smirk on his face.
"Seriously," I say, the uneasiness was visible in my voice. He kept the same face and didn't speak.
"Fine, fine I'll do it, for £65," I say. He sighs.
"Fine, deal," he says. I nod and pick up the first drink and try it, then the next, then the next.

Before I knew it, I had tried every drink there was on that table, drinking every drop in each glass. My head was spinning and I didn't feel like myself. I felt, odd. It was a new feeling, I was buzzing yet, I felt vulnerable.
"You okay?" Nathan asks me, he was more wasted than me and he seemed to act normal.
"This is weird," I say and he laughs.
"Next, is drugs," he says. I stood up and put my hands out as if to say hell no.
"No, no, no, no, NO," I say. He laughs.
"Alright, alright," he says. Suddenly, I hear everyone gasp. I turn around quickly and see Kate on the floor, unconscious. Even though I was drunk, I ran to Kate so quickly. I push through everyone and kneel down next to Kate.
"Kate, Kate! Wake up!" I say and shake her. Nathan then kneels next to me.
"I'll take her to the hospital," Nathan says and starts picking up Kate. For some reason, I didn't trust him.
"No, I'll take her," I say.
"No! I said I'll take her, so I'm taking her!" He shouts at me. I look at him, fear in my actions, but anger in my eyes. He walks off out of the party, with Kate in his arms. I hear everyone talking and whispering about Kate. 'I have to leave before I end up punching someone,' I think to myself. I walk out of the party and back to my dorm, waddling all the way back, trying not to trip over my own feet due to being drunk. I eventually got back and quickly unlock my door. I stumble in to my dorm and slam the door. Before I knew it I was laying on my bed, snuggling in my covers, not even changed into my pyjamas, barely able to keep my eyes open. I quickly check the time before I drift off to sleep. The clock read '1:15am.' I move my head back so I'm looking up to the ceiling and drift off to sleep within a matter of minutes.

Nathan Prescott x Reader ~ DangerousNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ