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I sat next to Kate in mr Jeffersons class. He was in the middle of one of his lectures when I turned to Kate.
"I'm so bored," I whisper. She giggles.
"Same but shhhh, if he catches us talking he will move you away and I can't have that," she says with a smile. I chuckle.
"Uhm. Am I interrupting an important conversation?" We hear mr Jefferson say.
"No, no, sorry," Kate says. I turn away trying not to laugh.
"Next time I catch you talking, I'll have to keep you after class," he says and continues with his lecture. Me and Kate eventually concentrate on what he is saying. Suddenly we hear a loud bang, like someone hitting the lockers outside.
"What the fuck was that?" I whisper to Kate.
"I have no idea," Kate whispers back. I sigh and continued listening to the boring lecture.

Finally the bell rang and the class had ended. I grabbed my stuff and packed it up in my bag. Kate then turns to me.
"You excited for the party tonight?" She asks me with a smile.
"I'm not sure. Parties, ain't my thing but gotta go now," I say and continue packing up my stuff.
"It'll be fine. You'll be stuck with me. HA!" She says and I laugh. I shut my bag and throw it over my shoulder.
"Let's roll," she says. I nod and we walk out of class. I look to my left and see Nathan staring at me. I smile at him and he smirks back.

Me and Kate walk back to the girls dorm and go to her room. She walks in first and throws her bag on her bed and I walk in after and shut the door. I throw my bag onto her bed as well.
"We still have ages," Kate says.
"Best to find what we are wearing then," I suggest and she nods in agreement. She opens her wardrobe and pulls out pulls out a white blouse and a purplish jacket to go over the top. She then takes out a black shortish skirt and places them on the bed.
"I think I'm going to wear this tonight. What do you think?" She asks me.
"Ooooo I like," I say. "I just need to figure out what I'm wearing, so, let's head to my room so I can find something and get your opinion," I say. She nods and we walk over to my room. I open the door and walk in. I walk to my wardrobe and open it up. I look at all my clothes and pull out a off the shoulder, short black dress and place it on the bed. I then pull out an off the shoulder top with matching trousers.
"Which do you think?" I ask Kate.
"Hmmm, they're both really nice but I would have to go with the matching top and trousers," Kate says. I nod and pick it up and walk to Kate's room.
"I forgot to get my purse, my make-up bag and shoes so I'll be right back," I say to Kate and walk out of her dorm and to my dorm. I open the door and get my purse, make-up bag and white trainers. I walk out my dorm and shut the door and lock it. I turn around to see Nathan walking towards me.
"Hello y/n," he says with a warm smile this time.
"Hi Prescott," I say and smile.
"Are you still coming to the party?" He asks. I nod. "Good," he says.
"I'm gonna be chilling with Kate like the whole time though," I say. His face seemed to loose some of its colour and fear came upon it.
"Everything okay?" I ask. "You look a little worried."
"Huh? What? No, I'm fine." He says, coming out of his little faze.
"Are you sure? Because you seem to have something on your mi-" "I said I'm fine okay!" He shouts, interrupting me.
"Alright, if you say so," I say and walk past him.
"Look... I'm sorry.. I flip out at the most random times," he says.
"It's fine, don't worry about it, I've gotta go now but I'll speak to you later," I say and walk into Kate's dorm and shut the door.

It was almost time for the party. Me and Kate were almost ready, we just had to get the money sorted and put our shoes on.
"Alright I'm gonna bring £20. What about you?" Kate asks.
"I'm going to bring £10, I wanna save the rest," I say. Kate nods and we put on our shoes.
"Right, you ready?" Kate asks.
"Sí," I say.
"Alright let's go!" She says and we walk out of her dorm and head down to the party.

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