~ Chapter Thirty-Four: ADAM, ESME and NERO

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Chapter Thirty-Four:



I ran towards the flank of monsters approaching him steadily. Large axes and pointed swords came towards me, their owners grinning viciously.

"Victory!" a drachanae hissed. "We have a Borne in our grasssssssp and we ssssssshall rake the life from hisssss sssssssoul!"

I and raised my hands. A rainstorm suddenly began.

"Adam!" Esme screamed as freezing cold water doused her. I smirked a little. She looked cute when she was angry.

"Stop that," I muttered to myself. I didn't like Esme and she didn't like me. Not in that way.

I turned down the temperature a tiny bit, but couldn't help grinning as Esme glared at me. Then something swung at her and she fell back.

"Esme!" Nero and I both cried. We made the same mistake of turning our backs on our flanks.

That same drachanae came at me with lightning speed. I shot lightning from my palms over her rain-drenched body. She gasped as the electricity coursed through her veins and she exploded.

One down, another forty-nine to go.


Adam was holding off well. I watched him electrocute a drachanae and then launch himself at the others.

Meanwhile, I was faced with a cyclops.

Now. I knew that some of them were good. My uncle - who I'd yet to meet - was called Tyson, and he was my dad's half-brother.

But this one? Definitely evil.

He was at least eight feet high, with a massive bloodshot eye in the middle of his leathery face. Growling, he raised his callused hands and threw them down towards me. I only just dodged out of the way.

"DEMIGOD BONES!" the cyclops roared.

"I'm a Borne, actually." I lifted the gun and shot a bullet straight at his eye. He deflected it with his fat thick hand.

Cursing, I shot again, but only grazed his cheek. Crap.


"Not happening," said a voice from behind me. An arrow lodged into the cyclops' big eye and he disintegrated into a cloud of gold dust.

I spun round. "Thalia!"

She grinned. Her long flowing raven hair was scraped into a high ponytail, and she wore silvery camo trousers and a tight silver t-shirt. A shining circlet rested in her hair. About a dozen others dressed like her, minus the circlet, were tackling the monsters from all sides. One girl had hold of a groggy Esme and was moving her out of danger.

"Who -"

"Hunters of Artemis," Thalia replied. She came and gave me a hug. "There's another seven of us with the attacking demigods. They've gone to shut down the equipment that took Esme's powers."

She cleared her throat. "But, um... They found a body."


"A girl. About your age. We, um, we have reason to believe she's the, um... she's the seventh Borne."


"Get off me," I moaned. Some girl was dragging me away from the battle. "I need to fight, get off!"

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