~ Prologue

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~ Prologue

Esme and Nero Jackson were born on December the fourth, to proud parents Percy and Annabeth Jackson - who, at the time, were both nineteen.

Annabeth Jackson did not enjoy her overly-painful labour, and was too dosed up on morphine to pay much attention after the twins' birth.

"You're so beautiful," Percy whispered, cradling each of his children in his arms. He was about to put them in their hospital cribs when several people burst in at once.

"AAAAAH! My godchildren - oh my gosh! Jackson, hand them over NOW."

Thalia Grace turned from ecstatic to threatening as she scooped baby Esme up and then snatched little Nero. She ignored Percy's death glares and kissed the kids on their foreheads.

"We haven't chosen godparents yet," Percy said.

"I should hope not!" Piper cried loftily. "I wanna be godmother!"

"Back off, Love Lunatic," Thalia growled. "These are my godkids."

"I'm godfather!" Jason yelled.

"No way!" Piper protested. "You can't have Jason and not me!"

"Oh shut up, Pretty Princess."

"Cut the name-calling, Little Miss Lightningbolt!"

"You wanna go there, Aphrodite Airhead?"

Piper and Thalia stared at each other angrily. Jason watched his girlfriend and his sister, looking slightly amused. Leo appeared to be in heaven, with a mystified look as two hot girls were clashing heads in front of him.

"Ladies. Something can be sorted out," Percy muttered. "Thalia, could I please have my children back?"

Hours later, Annabeth was awake. Her husband was fast asleep, cradling the twins to his chest. Annabeth smiled at them lovingly, and was surprised at the tears in her eyes. She had spent nine months in agony, expecting only one child. Yet she had been bestowed with not one, but two, beautiful babies.

Life was, quite simply, perfect.


The Jacksons (completed): Book 2 - Percy Jackson FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon