The Wall

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The gravel path forks into two paths leading left and right. The left path leading into the depths of the forest while the right leads off to the outer edge. We take the left path, ducking under the road block sign that blocks off the entrance. Large trees intertwine around each other as they grow upwards. The sun was beginning to set and any light that had shone through the spaces between the leaves had faded away to nothing. Cooper turned a lantern on and handed it to me as he turned on another.

"The path on the right leads directly to the cave. It's better if we can make a silent entry," I say.

Cooper nods, his wide brimmed glasses slide down his nose with the motion and he pushed them back up with his index finger.

"I know you said I shouldn't worry Travis, but I'm worried. Nobody has ever made it out of these woods. What guarantees that we will?"

"If one of you gets attacked it'll make good footage for my documentary," Peter says, gesturing at his camera bag.

Cooper's eyes widen and look to me.

"Cooper, it'll be fine. It's just a story parents tell their kids to keep them out of these woods."

He fidgets with the strings on his hoodie. We continue on in silence, the only noise that can be heard is the rhythmic clunk of the contents in Peter's camera bag clattering together with each step he takes. Our eyes trained on the ground as we walk to make sure we wouldn't step on twigs. Nearing the cave, we crouch down behind bushes a couple feet away from the opening.

"I need to get closer. My camera won't focus from this far back in the dark," Peter whispers, taking the camera out of its bag and running to the side of the cave.

"Peter, get back here!" I shout in a subdued voice.

Peter ignores me and creeps forward, peering the camera into the cave.We run over to Peter who's unmoving. I stand beside him and hold my lantern up. That's when we see him. The light from the lantern reflects off of his greying outer shell and enhances the appearance of his red bruised looking beady eyes. He bares his long rotting fangs and gnashes them viciously. I slowly take a rope out of my bag before nodding at Cooper.

"Remember the plan?" I whisper.

He visibly shakes as he looks at the once loved nursery rhyme character.

"Yes," he whimpers.

The three of us take off running. Humpty releases a blood curdling shriek as he follows behind us. We near the outer edge of the trees by the cliffs edge. Cooper grabs the other end of the rope from me and we sprint ahead of Peter, ducking into opposite sides of the trees, readying the rope for him to lead Humpty to.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Peter's silhouette becomes clear as he nears.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

His heavy breathing became audible.

All the King's horses.

We pull the rope up and Peter jumps over it.

And all the King's men.

Humpty trips over the rope. His spherical body rolls him towards the edge and he momentarily stops balanced on the edge.

Could not put Humpty together again.

In a final turn Humpty Dumpty rolls off the cliff's edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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