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"You almost did what Salvador?"she asked.

"Hey at least it wasn't something else. I'm a grown man Rosalyn."

"A grown man that acts like a teenager" my mom said.

"That's so true" I said and laughed. "But this is Shawn"

"Su novio" my abuela said smiling.

"Better not hurt her because I will hurt you so fast you won't even know what hit you" Alejandro said.

"I won't" Shawn said scared beyond his mind. We talked and ate and then I said we had to go because we're very tired. I got my car keys.

"Lia will you come back?" My mom asked.

"Yeah I'll come visit"

"I meant come back to live with me" she said.

"Um I'll think about it" she hugged me Shawn and I got in my car. I sat there for a while before starting the car.

"Lia you should come back to live with your mom. She misses you a lot and you live 20 minutes away from me i can come and visit you and you can go visit me"

"I want to live with you tho. I liked living with you." he turned to look at me.

"One day. But I think you should move back home"

"One day?"

"One day you and I will live together." He sounded as if I would hate the idea.

"That'd be nice. Why do you sound like I would hate that idea we said that we'd live together" I pulled out of the drive way and saw a car following me. I took the wrong turn.

"My house is the other way"

"Yeah I know. Someone is following and I noticed the car when the taxi pulled up to my moms house"

"Probably the paparazzi or something." If it is they now know where my mom lives. I got a look at the drive. I pulled over. He did the same.

"Stay here" I got out the car and so did the driver from the other car. "Why are you following me? Leave me alone"

"Lia please come back to me. I fucked up."

"Yeah Danny you did and I will fuck up too if I get back with you which I'm not doing" he grabbed my hands in his and I quickly removed my hands from his.

"Please. I miss you. I haven't been the same. Being with her didn't make me feel like how I did with you. Please" he caressed my check I pushed his hand away. The car door opened.

"Please leave" i said.

"Please come back. I love you"

"No you don't."

"I do and I miss you. I know you love and miss me."

"No I don't."

"You do. You can't just get over me that fast."

"You don't love me you loved my body shape not me. I don't love you."

"Then look me in the eye and tell me."

I looked him dead in the eye. And I never thought I would mean the words that came out of my mouth but I did. "I don't love you and I'm not sure if I loved you at all."He knew when I was lying and when I wasn't.

"I hope you find someone who can keep you alive. That's all I've been trying to do keep an amazing angel alive because you aren't allowed to go back home to heaven yet. Find someone who will be able to handle you when your angry and not get upset at the words that come out your mouth that you don't mean. You might not love me but that doesn't mean I don't love you." He got in his car and drove off. I stood there for a second and then went back inside my car. Shawn came in.

"Lia he's the one that cheated on you?" I did a U-turn and headed in the direction of moms house. "Lia please say something I don't like this silence"

"Shawn it's better for me to be silent that to say something when I'm angry because I will say something really stupid and something that will upset you" I gripped the steering wheel and then turned in the direction of his house. We got to his house after a few minutes and I just sat there. I checked my center console and was happy that the lighter was still there now let's see if there's something to light in the glove compartment. I pulled out the iPhone case that my old phone once came in and opened it. I was happy that there was something inside. Shawn took it away and saw what was inside.

"Please explain to me why you do this?" He said.

"Would you like to read my medical card?" He looked shocked. "I don't do it often. Sorry to disappoint you with the fact that I smoke"

"It's not bad for you is it?"

"Um people think it is but it's a plant. It helps lots of illnesses whether people are aware of it or not. I won't do it around you or around Aaliyah I just really have to right now" he handed me the box.

"I'll be outside the car" he left. I debated whether I wanted to do it or not. I put a bit in the bowl and lit it I inhaled, swallowed, and then exhaled outside. I put everything back and got out. Shawn stood up. "That was fast"

"I only did a little bit." We went inside and I could sense that he didn't like the fact that I did that.

"I want you to know this doesn't change my feelings for you. I just didn't know you did. Since when?"

"Freshman year. I didn't do it often. Or all the time. Well after freshman year. Freshman year i did it all the time every day. But then everything got worse and not because the weed made it worse the issues in my life made them worse"

"Made what worse?"

"My anxiety, anger, depression, eat disorders when I was younger, and suicidal thoughts." He turned sad.

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