a fly on the wall- SD chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“We should just kill her right now, you saw what she did. To Jake and Simon she’s unwell we should just you know….put her out of her misery. If we inject her with the right amount of sedatives hopefully it would be enough to kill her.” Some old gruff voice spoke

“We couldn’t do that the boss would kill us if we killed her. Don’t even think about it!” a stern voice spoke

‘They were thinking about killing me how dare they, I’m going to rip their hearts out of their stupid little chests, or I could slowly dip them in acid. And watch their skin burn as I heard them scream in pain. Crying for forgiveness for even trying to hurt me.’ I thought

‘What am I thinking I’ve never thought like this before. What am I doing, I’m becoming what they want me to be. I’m not a killer I’m Ellie Quinn a happy 14 year old.’

‘No Ellie you’re a killer daughter of the best criminal couple the world has ever seen.’  An evil voice chuckled in my head. Wanting answers I shot up giving them all a surprise.

“YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT.” I screamed, I went to lunge forward but I was pulled back and my head was slammed against the cold metal wall behind me. I looked around to see my arms and legs where chained to the wall.

“AWWW look the baby can’t get free.” He sneered whilst fake pouting. Calming down I looked around.

I was inside which seemed to be a big army truck of some sort, there was 5 men in total all wearing white. The truck was highly equipped with bright lights what seemed to be some sort of operating table and guns on one wall. The men turned away and sat down on the benches behind where the driver would be. Ignoring me they went back to some conversation, muttering under their breath and occasionally looking over in my direction to make sure I was still chained to the wall.

You would think if they had all this fancy crap in the back of the truck they could have bought me a chair or a bed to be chained to not the cold metal wall, suspended in mid-air but that’s life for you.

The time went slowly and every so often someone would grow the balls to come over and check if I was still alive. But I was wishing I was dead, the leather straps which were around my wrists had been rubbing on my soft flesh and had started to cut through. And just the whole being like a fly on the wall was painful, my arms were tired and my legs had gone to sleep. I was hungry and tired, and missing my mum.

I decided to try and get some sleep, but it couldn’t be done every so often we would go over a bug bump and the whole truck would move causing the straps to rub against my wrists and the metal chains which hung above my head and wrapped around my ankles to hit against me. Hanging my head in shame I thought about my mother, she did die in vain I didn’t kill Uncle Kevin all I could do is kill 3 unarmed men and some stupid gas had taken me out.

I could of killed him, he was there I could of grabbed his ankles and pushed him out of the hatch. I should have never read that letter it was a distraction to me, if I only kept my wits and gone back in the box I would have had an element of surprise to him. Then I could have jumped out and killed him then finished off the rest of them. Why was I so stupid?

That’s all I thought about for hours just thinking and imagining my mother’s body rotting alone in the loft. I should have killed myself then we could have gone to heaven or probably hell together, not just her alone rotting away as the bodies of the fallen men surround her. Laying in the blood bath I created, she was innocent they wanted me not her, she should have been hiding not me I should of fought all those men and I could of won so me and her could be together.

Hours passed but it felt like days months even years, until someone woke me up. I never even knew that I had fallen asleep, opening my eyes I came face to face with a middle aged man.

“Well sleeping beauty has finally decided to wake up.” He whispered into my ear. Looking around for help the truck was empty.

“Who are you and where is everybody and why am I alone with you for all you could know I could kill you right here and now.” I spat back

“AWW baby don’t worry I have no interest in you, I just thought I’d show you what a killer looks like. Because you seem to have a nack at killing people, and frankly you just look like a mental person and you haven’t even got into the joint.”

“What do you mean? I look like a mental person after my first killing.” I stuttered, but the man said nothing he just walked away and opened a hatch near the entrance of the truck. Not caring anymore I hung my head and closed my eyes and wished I was someone else

“EEEHHEEEMM.” The man coughed, I slowly raised my head and came to face to face with myself.

My blonde hair was matted and the tips were covered in blood, my skin was pale and cold. My blue eyes where sunken. I had mascara down my face and my foundation was all patchy. Slowly walking backward so I could see myself fully in the mirror I was a mess. My black leather pants were ripped in various places, and my red corset was blood stained and was all ripped. I was missing my shoes and my feet were all cut up, and dried blood coated them

And I know what you’re thinking why the hell is she wearing leather pants and a corset, well before we got attacked me and my mum were meant to be going to some party at her office or someone’s birthday.

“I..IIII..i dunno what to say….i look awful. I look dead, lost and ill.” I stuttered

“RIGHT LADIES LETS GET GOING.” A man boomed as the doors of the van swung open and they call climbed in. sadly the middle aged man never got to answer he just walked to the hatch and placed the mirror back where it belonged and shuffled back to his seat. His eyes filled with regret for show me what I looked like.

The truck jolted forward as the engine rawed to life, my chains clanked and shook around me and I just bowed my head in shame.

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