9. Can't Run From the Truth

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, because that's the way to make us all worry less." Percy was sarcastic, trying to be softer. "I get it if you need to take a spa day to regroup, or whatever. Give me an hour, I'll pack a bag and go with you."

"No, it's nothing like that, and I need to be alone. There's a spell that I want to do, but it can't be done here. I have to go somewhere quiet-I was thinking the desert, just outside the city. Hopefully it'll help me get back on track, it's supposed to answer all my questions. Just think, a day or two from now we'll know once and for all." The witch spoke with confidence.

"Know what? You're talking about Liam again, aren't you? Is this what you wanted with my dad's old stuff, a spell to see if he's really evil or not?" At first the ghost was offended, but then she realized that she was just too tired to play this game with her anymore. "Fine, whatever, as long as it'll put a stop to all of this then do whatever the hell you think you have to."

"I will." And so she would. Myrna thought that maybe she should feel something for what she was about to do-bad, maybe? But she didn't, and she only had relief that it was about to be over. She already knew exactly how it would play out, and she looked forward to that sense of peace. Percy knew she could've fought her on it, but it was a harmless spell, and she too thought she knew how it would go. Besides, they could all start moving on once Liam's name was cleared. Maybe he would even be allowed to return to the group. With a shake of her head she turned and headed out, ignoring the last warning Myrna gave, "make sure you don't tell him about any of this."

Austin had no problem sharing information though, and back over at the demon hospital he was relieved when his husband finally showed up. Toby hadn't gotten much out of the panicked call he'd received, but he'd hurried over all the same to see what the matter was. It could wait though, and he didn't rush Austin as he held him in his arms, offering the kind of support that he needed right then. Yet it didn't last too long before he pulled away, leaving him colder, and tried to express his fears coherently. He failed the first time, so he took a breath before giving it another go.

"Angel's back. Or, she's always been here. I don't know. What I do know is that she's laying on a bed in there right now, alive, and if she's alive then that means Blair's prophecy can still come true. What are we going to do?" Austin found his clarity, still panicked. They'd worked so hard just to be together, and he wouldn't give him up now that they'd found each other again.

"Holy shit, you're serious?" It seemed like Toby thought it was a joke for a minute, but slowly it sank in and his denial emerged as he peeked into the room. "It doesn't change anything. Look at her, she wasn't like that in the vision, she was still completely human in what Blair saw. I know it's hard to believe, but coincidences do happen. It still bothers me though, how the hell is she back? I was there, I watched as she shot herself up with all that serum-she couldn't have survived."

"It's not the first time someone we know has come back from the dead. That doesn't matter though, I'm being serious, how can you be so uncaring about this? We could die."

"We could die every damn day, that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Why do you buy so much into this bullshit?"

"Because I'm afraid!" Austin snapped at him. But he hadn't meant to, so he felt bad, and after a short minute he leaned forward with his head against his lover's chest as he covered his face. "I can't go through this again-not again. When will it ever just end? You won't take this seriously, and that's the same mistake you made last time. Look what happened then. I can't go back to being scared like that, never knowing which day is going to be our last before you're ripped out of my world. We died in the future Blair saw, both of us. I don't want that."

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