A Tree For The Ones Which Lack Slumber

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Geno jumped with a start.

"Woah, no need to freak out or anything." the person before him chuckled.

Geno blinked before letting out a long sigh. "I'm no good with sleep." He yawned, the sound of his joints popping back into place appealing to him. "Should have picked a better spot to sleep, tibia honest."


The noise jolted the scarfed skeleton up, causing him to barely swerve around the other bundle of bones before him. He quickly turned around, facing the new figure. 

"THE PUNS! THE HORRIBLE PUNS!" The tallest cried, dramatically leaning back with a distraught hand over his forehead. "WHEN WILL IT END???"

"Not until we tickle your funny bone with these sansational puns, bro." The other figure joked, causing the tallest to stomp with frustration.


"What can I say," a branch from the ground swirled into the air, spinning lazily around the three. "It really sticks with me."



"Dude." The smaller scarfed one held back a cheesy grin as he patted Sans' shoulder. "You should leaf him alone."

"THAT'S IT!" Papyrus roared. "I'M DONE WITH THE BOTH OF YOU!" Then, with a mighty huff, he stormed away.

The remaining two began to burst with laughter, no longer able to contain it. After their laugh-fest subsided, the blue-jacketed one turned to the other. "Hey, we are going to go try to find a movie tonight. The kid wanted to pick something special, so I'm semi-curious. Wanna come?"

Geno thought for a moment and shook his skull. "I'd...prefer not to."

Sans looked over Geno before sighing.
"Them, right? Tori, Undyne, Alphys, the kid...Papyrus."
Geno subconsciously reached for his scarf, letting the soft yet faded fabric brush against his bony fingers. Sans watched as he did so and let out another great sigh.
"I know it's hard, but it'll heal over time." the skeleton leaned a little closer to Geno.
"And uh...sorry. Sorry about...y'know." He gestured his hand to the red scarf. 

Geno blinked before smiling a little. "...Just time, right? I just need time." 

"Yeah." Sans gave Geno one last smile before shrugging. "Well, Paps is gonna need me. I'll see ya later."

Geno nodded. "Alright. Bye."

With that, they parted ways.

Geno watched as Sans faded off into the distance, the distant sounds of the brothers' voices switching off and on. He stared at the spot where they once were before turning back to the tree he had been laying against.

It wasn't the most comfortable tree, considering that it was mostly shriveled and dead, but Geno found himself always sleeping under them with not a care in the world. He couldn't remember or think as to why that was, but he didn't question it for long. 

Maybe it had to do with the fact that they were...interesting? 

Geno inspected the tree, finding that the grass around it seemed to be dried and scratchy as well.
In fact, looking around the park that he was currently in, all of the other trees were perfectly normal and lush.
However, Geno didn't find them as appealing as the tree before him. 


He reached forward with his left hand, grazing it's surface. It was rough, scraping against Geno's fingers uncomfortably. His gaze scanned over the tree once more. Dead and black. Twisted and Rough. Terrible support, yet is enough to cradle someone. Bare of any beauty, but possesses its own interesting features. 

He couldn't help but feel as if this tree reminded him of something... 

Or Someone. 

He let out a small breathe before smiling. It didn't matter too much at the moment. 

Before he could remove his hand from its trunk, a gust of wind blew past, Geno's sleeves flapping at its mercy. He was going to pull his sleeve down to protect himself from the chilling breeze before noticing something. 

A ruby-encrusted ring.

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