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A/N: New chapter! Who's excited? I know I am.


She flew down on Drogon, who she now had full control over. She had been terrified, being stuck on his back as he was being controlled by the monster that wanted all of mankind dead. God knows what he could have done with her on his back.

Below, the thousands of wights and whitewalkers that remained all crumbled into dust, blowing away in the lessening winds. The temperature was beginning to return to normal. The fighting men all looked around, confused for a moment, before they saw that the wights were all dead. That they had won. Then the cheering began.

Drogon landed smoothly next to where Jon was kneeling, leaning on his sword, looking disheveled. Dany got off of Drogon and ran over to him.

"Jon! You did it! We won!" Dany breathed, pulling him to his feet and planting her lips on his. Jon kissed her back, pulling her to him tightly and wrapping a hand in her hair. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into it, seemingly letting out a breath he has been holding.

They kissed for a long minute, before Jon pulled back, grimacing and falling back down. Dany looked at him in concern, before noticing that his knee was bleeding. "What happened to your leg?"

"The Night King sliced it with his ice sword. It's numb, so it doesn't hurt. I hope I get the feeling back soon, or at all." Jon explained. Then he smiled up at her. "We really won. We're going to be alright."

Dany nodded, happy tears gathering in her eyes. "We're going to be fine, our child is safe. Your children are safe."

Jon jolted at this. "My children. I better go let them know I'm okay."

Dany nodded. "You'll be able to do that. After we make sure everyone knows we won, and that your family is okay." She helped Jon up, and pulled him up onto Drogon. She let Drogon walk back to Winterfell through the crowds of the army.

"The King in the North!" Some shouted.

"Queen Daenerys! Others yelled, making Dany smile. She felt accepted by the north for once.

"The North lives on!" Jon bellowed from Drogon's back. People repeat what their King said, cheering for him. Cheering for them.

Drogon made his way to Winterfell's smashed gate, and dropped off his mother and Jon. He was far too big. Rhaegal, on the other hand, was able to squeeze his way through.

"Looks like a giant made it into here. I hope everyone's alright." Jon noted. Then Dany saw Sansa, and she looked a bit disheveled.

"Jon! It's Arya!" Sansa cried, running over to them.

Jon's face paled. "What happened to her? Is she okay?"

"She's hurt badly. Gendry's with her, he won't leave her side. The Maester patched her up, but she has a huge cut in her side." Sansa rushed out, sobbing.

So Gendry was talking about Arya.. Dany thought. She wondered what Jon would think of that. He probably wouldn't like it.

"Bring me to her," Jon ordered, looking sick. Sansa nodded, "What about you? Are you hurt? Your knee is bleeding!"

"I'll need to have it patched up, I'll be fine I'm sure."

"If you say so," Sansa said, and brought them to the healing chambers.

Inside were all of the injured men and women who could potentially be saved. Dany saw Podrick Payne's form on one of the tables, he was gasping for breath. Tyrion was beside him with Bronn. Tyrion looked really upset. Dany wondered what happened to her hand's former squire.

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