Life and Death

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A/N: The moment you've all waited for is here!


She woke up the next morning, feeling way colder than usual. That could only mean one thing. The army of the dead was closing in on them. They had hours left to prepare.

She looked beside her and saw the three forms of the dragons sleeping beside her. She cooed at the sight, before getting out of her bed into the frigid air. Her teeth chattered immediately. A squawk came from Rhaea as she came to Dany's aid, rubbing up against her with her warm body.

Dany chuckled, "Thanks Rhaea. I'd better get used to this cold if I'm going to be out on Drogon during the battle." She grabbed some of the furs Jon had given her, pulling them around her tightly. Rhaea's head popped out of the hole in her collar. Dany had forgotten she was clinging to her.

The two other dragons seemed to still be sound asleep, snoring softly on the furs.

"You three don't even know what's coming, do you?" Dany murmured, and Rhaea tilted her golden head, a curious sound emitting from her. "Hopefully you don't need to ever know. That you'll be safe." Rhaea stared at her blankly, before gliding off of her and joining her siblings once more.

Dany walked to the door. But before she left, she looked back towards the three. "If I don't return, nor Jon, flee from this place. Have Aeryon burn the door and escape. It won't be safe for you here, and you deserve to live free lives."

She turned after seeing Rhaea blink in slight understanding. Dragons were intelligent, but less so when they were babies. Dany left the room, with a determined expression. She would return.


The Great Hall was packed and loud. Everyone seemed to be in a panic, for they didn't know how much time they had left of life. Loved ones were saying their goodbyes, uncertain if it would be their last goodbyes. Young children were crying as their father hugged them, making them promise to take care of their mothers or siblings, whoever they had. Dany felt for all of them from her place next to Jon. She wondered if she should be saying her goodbyes to Jon, or if that would make her seem weak in front of the eyes of the north.

She decided to simply grasp Jon's hand tightly, as they let people get out their messages to their loved ones should they die. Then they would start getting organized into positions.

A few minutes later, Jon stood, still holding onto Dany's hand, so she stood as well. "May I have everyone's attention!"

At his shout, everyone's eyes turned to him and Daenerys. Dany was sure they all noticed that their hands were interlocked, making her blush. Her hand felt like it was burning in Jon's grasp.

"I hope you had enough time to say any goodbyes, for it is time for the battle between life and death. Many of you in here will be up against at least one wight. Some of you will not come back, but you will have died fighting, an honorable death that will be remembered by us all," Jon stated, his hand twitching in Dany's grasp. "You all know your positions. Fight your hardest, and try to stay out of the line of fire from the Queen's dragons. And remember, your friends aren't your friends when they have deathly blue eyes. End their life, or they'll end yours."

At this the crowd cheered. Jon grinned, and shouted, "For the North!" Those in the Great Hall repeated what he said, swords drawn and pointed to the ceiling.

Everyone dispersed then, heading to their positions with a newfound determination. Once again Dany was left in awe at Jon's leadership skills. She moved closer to him as a chill came over her. She couldn't wait for the battle to begin, just so it can be over and the cold could disappear.

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