Ch 3: The Mating Habits of Sirens

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The creature known as Pennywise had been on Billy's mind for the last several nights. Ever since Billy met IT, the clown had been overly eager to bring him fresh meat, and had even extended an open invitation to co-exist in its territory. The red-haired creature had seemed more than delighted to hear Billy's song, even if the lure did not have the same hold on it as it did on humans.

In fact, Billy realized with a jolt of insight, if Pennywise had been a siren, his courting would have been obvious long before now. The thought of an attentive mate – even if it was a strange land-dweller, was enough to cause the siren to churn the water with his tail in delight. Perhaps he could convince Pennywise to swim with him sometime soon.


The other monster was eyeing HIS boys, Billy realized, watching as the children tromped off through the woods on their way home. Pennywise was not being subtle about it. The siren huffed aloud, and swam closer to shore, keeping his gaze on his future mate. A human would have called him obsessed with the idea of having the clown as a mate, but Billy didn't care. He'd already decided to keep IT.

"Penny, come closer to the water," the siren sang out, once he was sure the boys were out of earshot. The pale-skinned creature turned to look at him, its bloodlust sated by the siren's interest.

The clown made his way to the water's edge, and Billy purred as he drew himself up onto the bank, letting his brilliantly-scaled tail (if he did say so himself) drift leisurely in the water.

"You've been spending time with those boys," Pennywise observed.

"I have. It gets boring in this closed-off river, and they amuse me with their questions. And the cute noises they make when I kiss them," Billy sighed, leaning back to, not so subtly, show off his stomach. A sign of submission, such as this, would not go unnoticed by another predator – and Billy liked the way the other creature's shimmering blue eyes lingered on his flesh.

"Do you often... k-kiss them?" Pennywise asked. Billy noted, with amusement, that the clown's white gloves were beginning to split open with the emergence of its black claws.

"Mmm... Sometimes. I do like kissing," the siren purred, rolling onto his stomach and propping up his chin to watch his future mate growl under its breath.

"And if I killed one of them... what would you do?" Pennywise suddenly asked, its blue eyes turning such a brilliant gold that it sent a shiver of arousal down Billy's back.

"Don't kill them," the siren whispered, his heart quickening under the other creature's gaze. Licking his lips, Billy pushed himself back into the water, making sure to keep the clown in his sights. It wouldn't do for his mate to sneak off, after all. Not when the full moon would soon be shining so perfectly above them.

Pennywise's eyes returned to their blue hue as it watched the siren float only a short distance away.

"Swim with me," Billy sang out, flicking his tail to send a teasing splash of water at the clown. "I've seen you change shapes. Surely you can make yourself a tail, and join me in the water."

The clown, for once, seemed utterly bewildered by the request. "What is so interesting about the water?" Pennywise finally asked, tilting its head to observe him.

"It is not the water that is interesting," Billy purred, licking his lips as he thought about having HIS, soon to be, mate all to himself.

"Very well," Pennywise agreed.

Billy blinked, and the clown was gone. There was not even a splash to suggest it had gotten into the water. Glancing around, the siren realized that the other creature had left him all alone, with no intention of joining him.


The siren lashed his tail furiously, before diving down into the depths to scream his fury to the corpses hidden around HIS home. A familiar pair of blue eyes were suddenly ahead of him, and Billy drew back with a startled hiss. Blinking his eyes rapidly, the siren found himself staring at beautiful young man with a long golden tail.

"Looking for me," the other siren asked, clearly delighted to have frightened him.

Billy didn't answer right away. Instead, he took the time to swim around the other siren, noting his dark hair and deliciously-chiseled chest.

"Didn't you promise to show me what was so interesting about this river? After all, I did go through the trouble of making this new form – Just For You," Pennywise insisted.

Billy felt his heart race at the thought. Pennywise really would be the perfect mate. And he was not ashamed to tell him just that.

The former-clown's smirk fell from its face, replaced by the same bewilderment as before. As if it couldn't imagine why Billy would make such a strange request of it.

"You will be my mate, won't you? You welcomed me into your territory, and kept me well fed. You like my singing, and..." Billy swam closer, wrapping his tail around the new siren's own. "And the thought of you excites me. I want you to be my one. Sirens mate for life, you know."

"Can I still eat your boys?" Pennywise suddenly asked. The abruptness of its question made Billy laugh.

"No, you may not. But if you're here to give me kisses, I won't need to get them from my boys – will I?" The former-clown seemed to like the idea, as its strong arms wrapped around Billy's waist, and he was drawn into that perfect first kiss.


Note: And that's all she wrote. Glad you enjoyed reading. I'm still working on Monster Club, and several short IT ficlets, as well.

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