Chapter Thirty- Rose.

Start from the beginning

"Of course I am, you nerd." I laugh. "There's no way I'm letting my OTP die!"

"I thought Lyra and Poe were your OTP?"

"First of all, Pyra, that's their ship name." I correct. "And I have multiple OTPs!"


"Let's go." I say. "These Porgs are tired."


"Porgs, I decided to name them, Porgs." I inform. "It's sweet."



"What do you mean Rey's ship was there but she wasn't?!" Luke demands. "And that there was ... blood?"

"Look, it might not've be been her blood." I assure. "That could be the stormtroopers, or maybe even Bens! All I know, is Rey put up a fight, and there's no way she let them kill her."

"But she wasn't in the right state of mind!" Luke states. "She was angry, upset, and probably tired."

"Luke, I know she's alive." Finn says quietly. "I can feel her, sense her. She's alive. Not even close to dead."

"How do you sense her?" Luke asks, crossing his arms

"Somehow I-we, um, Rey and I, we have a connection." Finn stutters. "When we met, it started. It just grew and got stronger. I know when she's hurt, like she knows when I'm hurt."

"A force-bond?" Luke mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"A force-bond." Luke repeats, louder this time. "It's when a force sensitive gets really connected with someone, they form a bond. They can see and feel everything that happens to the other. It could be with someone they're in love with, a family member, or just a friend. Just as long as they're close."

"That's what Finn and Rey have." Poe states. "That's why you said something was wrong! You felt it!"

"My ship is sailing. And I love it!"

"Finn, do you know what this means?" Lyra asks, turning to the former stormtrooper. "You guys are meant to be! You're soulmates!"

"I don't really believe in those ... but.."

"If you're connected through the force, then you kind of are." Luke replies. "But I wouldn't call it 'soulmates' if I were you."

"As much as I'd love you and my niece together, I got to say you guys shoulder get going." Leia says. "There's no way I'm losing another person I love to my son."

"Yeah, you two should get going." Luke states.

"Three." Leia corrects. "You're going, Luke,"

"Leia, we walked about this." Luke says quietly.

"You may think Rey hates you now, but she doesn't mean it." Leia replies. "How would you feel if the father who abandoned you, didn't come and save you?"

"Rey's strong." Luke replies. "She can take care of herself."

"Are you flipping kidding me?!" Leia shouts. "What if something were to happen to you, or her? And you didn't get a chance to see her one last time?! How would you feel? I don't know about you, but I'd feel sick. I'm lucky I got to see Han before he died. Because if I didn't, I'd feel terrible."

"Leia," Luke snaps. "I told you, I'm not coming. Drop it. Because I'm not changing my mind."

"You are so selfish." Leia replies. "You better not regret your decision. You nerfhurder."

Leia walks off angrily, leaving behind a 'selfish nerfhurder', and the four of us.

"She's right you know." Poe states. "Rey already feels abandoned by you, how will she feel when you don't come when she needs you the most? This is it, Luke, this is how you can show you care."

"Agreed." Lyra nods.

"Yeah," I state. "You're a real curse word."

"ROSIE!" Poe shouts.

"I didn't say anything bad, I said curse word. There's a difference." I reply.

"She's so innocent." Finn says.

"Look at her trying to be tough." Lyra smiles.

"I may be small, but I'm definitely strong." I snap. "Let's go find peanut."

"Peanut?" Finn repeats.

"Yeah, Peanut," I say. "It's what Poe and Lyra called Rey and I when we were younger, Peanut."

"Why are you calling me Peanut?" Finn asks.

"You're now part of the adorable squad." Lyra says. "Congratulations. Now, really, let's find Rey."

"If they dared to touch a hair on my baby sisters head." Poe growls, stomping away.

"Apparently Poe's coming." I sigh. "Who else?"

"Huh, I'll come." Lyra replies. "Rey has been hurt one too many times for my liking."

"Great!" Finn exclaims. "It's settled. Rose, Poe, Lyra, BB, and I are going."

"And Kay," we quickly turn around to see Jyn and Cassian, standing a few feet away from us, arms crossed and Kay behind. "Lyra Kimberly Andor, you are taking your brother."

"He's not my brother!" Lyra snaps.

"Really, mom and papa! I'm not taking that ... bucket of bolts or whatever. He's annoying." Lyra protests.

"Last time you went out to fight the First Order, you ended up being gone for years." Jyn sighs. "You still didn't tell us what happened in that short period of time. You are taking him. I'm sorry. I know he can be annoying. Soo annoying."

"Fine. But we go by my rules. That goes for all of you." Lyra states, sighing and walking off, the annoying droid following behind.

"Daughter of Jyn and Cassian, I will hold you."

"I don't want you to hold me!" I hear Lyra shout. "Ugh! You stupid robot."

I glance at Finn, and we laugh. "We should go before he slaps her."

"I agree." Finn chuckles. "C'mon, Rosie.."

"Bye Luke," we say, walking towards the ship.

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now