.:. Chapter 1 .:. A New Start .:.

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/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\   (( Reader~Chan's P.O.V))
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Once i woke up shortly after my nap i was startled by the three boys staring at me with widened eyes and their mouths wide open. I then asked " Uh... Whats wrong...?" They then pointed at me, me being curious I looked down at my legs only to realize that I had turned into my Neko form which was not very presentable... it consisted of a long sleeve sweater that went mid-thigh that was (F/C) but I had no pants sadly...I started to panic but soon enough to my relief the man with black hair and glasses told me to follow him and escorted me to a room with a large king sized bed with a large canopy, he then told you that he would bring a change of clothes and that I could use this room as my own until they could decorate a proper room. After he walked off I began to explore the large room scanning for windows high places and also the most important part something to kill my boredom yeah I was REALLY bored number one because I haven't done anything interesting yet today but meet those new people and two I have yet to explore this vast world that they call their home I was thinking about climbing to the roof but I was stopped mid-thought by the man with black hair and glasses returning with some extra clothes in hand.The Clothes consisted of a dress that stopped just before my knees with bell sleeves that was (F/C)
I thanked him for the clothes and after I thanked him he began to say " I think you should come downstairs and introduce you to us all properly " I then responded after he was done talking " right..." after I was also done talking he guided me downstairs to an area that I assumed was a lounge. As we entered the lounge like room the man with blonde hair and purple eyes spoke " Why hello there, I am Madoka Takatori also the head of the household " after he finished speaking the small young boy wit ha maid outfit brown hair and brown eyes spoke " I am Chihiro Komiya Madoka's Nephew " after he spoke the tall man with black hair and glasses said " I am Keiichiro Shinozaki Madoka's assistant/subordinate " you responded once they were done with their introductions " I'm (Y/N)(L/N), nice to formaly meet you " Then Madoka spoke up " With introductions out of the way lets have fun! " he exclaimed running off to go get something then you asked " Should we worry? " then Keiichiro responded " no I think he'll be fine " then chihiro said " I agree with Keiichiro " you nodded at them but still you were nevous about what Madoka was going to do next with his so called 'fun' idea, just thinking about it have you sent shivers down your spine and then you thought ' what if it's something like forced labor?! ' the thought also sent shivers down your spine but to your relief, he returned with a tray of sweets and the young boy began to glare holes through him and yelled " DID YOU RUIN MY KITCHEN!? "
then Madoka replied worriedly " Run is such a destructive word! there's only some flour here and there ... "  Chihiro started to glare at him again while Madoka told us to sit down and enjoy our selves. Thos got me excited and I scanned the tray for something of my interest while the man who was named Keiichiro I assume immediately grabbed a saucer with pudding on it and started to eat it I slightly giggled at him and then chose a piece of (F/F) cake as but as I picked some of the cake up with my fork and ate it the young boy named Chihiro stormed off to the kitchen I presume to see if it was still at all sanitary or clean. Then we heard Chihiro yell " MADOKA!!! " immediately Madoka ran away and went to go hide while I and Keiichiro sweatdropped.
( To Be Continued Next Chapter )
sorry, i just couldn't make 1000 words with my busy schedule of school, homework, chapters, grades. \and studying and the next update will be tomorrow for the next chapter so suggest ideas! and bye for now!!!

Life As A Neko In The Takatori Household (( DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now