Chapter 1: An Empty Bottle

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She stared blankly at the unmarked bottle in her hand. There were roughly ten gray pills inside. Questions briefly flashed through her mind as she eyed them.

What were these pills anyway?

Why was the bottle unmarked?

Why did that guy, Rich was his name, have them in his locker?

Why did he seem so keen on getting rid of them?

She had no answers, but frankly, she didn't really care. She didn't really care about anything at this point. She shrugged to herself. If Rich had intended to get rid of them, she figured he wouldn't mind that she was the one to do it for him. She popped open the cap and let the pills fall into her hand. Then, one by one, she started popping them in her mouth, taking gulps of Mountain Dew, the only form of liquid she had on hand at that moment, to help them all go down more easily.

Once the last one had been swallowed, she had been desensitized to their minty taste. She meandered over to her bed, still holding the empty pill bottle in her hand and feeling rather tired. She wasn't sure if that was because the pills were fast acting, or if the couple of painkillers she took earlier were finally starting to kick in. Regardless, she sluggishly got into her bed and laid down on it, closing her eyes as the fatigue began to overwhelm her. For a moment, she felt afraid, but that fear was quickly replaced by relief. Relief that all of her pain was finally going to end. As she lost consciousness, her attention was briefly caught by barely audible words.

"Multiple Quantum Units detected. Synchronization Procedure initiated."

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