You're Here

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This chapter is dedicated to a friend of mine who has the same passion for gay ships as I do and who I can finally fangirl about them to (and have her have a similar reaction). As well as Australia, who has today, on the 15/11/2017, finally legalised gay marriage in their country! I am so glad and send a shout out to those who voted for!

Percy POV

As I sat in my cabin I looked upon the cardboard box in my hands. In it were things that either had been given to me by my boyfriend, or had actually belonged to him. One of these possessions was his hoodie. I had stolen it during one of his visits and have now sought comfort in wearing it. I don't feel like going outside anymore, interacting with people. I had always been more enthusiastic after one of Luke's visits, but now that they are no more, I cannot bring myself to move. I simply stare at my cabin wall and hold onto my pendant like my life depends on it. Which, in a way, it does.

I was so glad to discover that what Luke had said was true. Every day, I would hold on to the necklace and wait to feel the heat on my palm. It had become such a continuous thing that we had even developed a form of communication, finding that we could speak to each other through Morse code. However, today was different. The last code I had gotten from Luke was an hour ago, I have to go. It was urgent, and that worried me. Had something happened to him?

I heard a knock on my door. I didn't bother to answer, so they just walked in. To my enormous surprise it was my father, Hermes and Aphrodite. What on earth were they doing here?

"Son, it has come to our attention that you have not been well after the end of the war. Because you are the hero of Olympus, we had a meeting to investigate the cause to try and help you. After all you have saved our lives and we did not properly repay you by granting your wish due to the fact that there was no personal gain in your desire. So, after discovering the source of the problem we have decided to grant you the wish that you did not see fit to ask us."

What? Am I so slow that I don't get it or is this actually confusing? How could they possibly know what I really want? No one knew about me and Luke, except... Aphrodite.

"What...what do you mean father?" I was defensive. Was this going to be something good? You never know with the gods. Sometimes the things they consider gifts, are what others consider a curse. Like immortality, yuk! Who would want that? To be able to live forever but watch as your loved ones grow old and die.

He looked me in the eye. 

"Percy, we know about Luke," I instinctively held my middle, it hurts to have him mentioned, "we looked into some of your memories together and the council has decided to grant you a day." I was confused, what did he mean by 'a day'?

Aphrodite came closer and bent down in front of my seat on the bed. "What he means darling, is that we know that something as pure as what you had for each other is not replaceable or curable. His absence will cause pain, it is to be expected. But we have decided to give you a day together. To spend however you like. It was the wish that you were selfless enough to sacrifice for your fellow demigods, so it is only right that it be awarded to you now, when you are most in need."

And with that a man shimmered into existence next to Aphrodite. My brain was still catching up as it tried to process the mischievous blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, jagged scar, muscular body and plotting smirk in front of me. Tears fell of their own accord. I had no control as I pounced him, needing to be in his arms again. Needing to know he was actually there.

I latched onto him in fear that he would disappear again. He is here. He is really here. It might only be for a day, but he is still here. "I missed you so so much. You're really here."

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here. I won't leave you today, we can do whatever you want. As long as we spend the whole day together." Unnoticeably, the others had already left the room to allow us privacy, my father casting suspicious glances as he left us to our own accord.

Boy/Boy fluff and implied activities up ahead (if you know what I mean). No complaints, you have been warned.

I could no longer hold it in as I leaned up and attacked his lips feverishly. Him responding with the same vigour. We fumbled around until we found ourselves lying on my bed. We were going to enjoy our time to its maximum capacity as we were fully reunited in our bout of passion. The love we felt for each other reached its peak as we wholly expressed our feelings, what could have been had Luke been allowed to live for more than a day.

We eventually collapsed side by side, exhausted and alleviated. No one could compare to the other and no one would ever come close. We would forever be united by our acts and no one could deny what we feel for each other. We had never felt as comfortable or complete, as in that moment. Knowing no one could ever take away the love we hold and we will always have this night. This night would never leave us, it will be imprinted in our minds for as long as we shall live, and longer still.

Ok, you can read now.

I curled into his chest and purred contently. "My little guppy," came his voice as he wrapped his arms around me, glowing and smiling fondly down at me. He has called me that since we went to the beach together and my childish wonder was released at full force with the arrival of a pod of dolphins. Luke says I was so well integrated with the kids and females that I could have easily been mistaken for a calf, earning me the nickname, guppy.

"My sneaky fox," I muttered as I fell into my first blissful sleep in years.

There it is. I am so so sorry for the late update! I became sick for a while and then had to prepare and complete exams, in the aftermath of which I was brain dead and unable to do much more than sleep and read. I will admit that I am still exhausted and have been working on this update for weeks because I wanted it to be good. I am still not sure it I have accomplished that so please give feedback!

Anyway, check out my other stories and enjoy. Please comment and review!



Edited 18/3/2018

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