The Little Mermaid

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Ariel swam around the ship wreck, flounder close in tow. Flounder was shaking as they reached the port whole.  Ariel had an excited look on his face.

"Ariel I don't like this place.  Let's just go back ok?"

"Oh come on flounder. Don't be such a guppy."

"I-im not a guppy!"

"Ok then. I'll go inside, and you can wait out here and watch for sharks."  Ariel swam in.

"Right.  Watch for sharks. Yeah i can do that." Flounder had a smile now. Then, what the prince had said hit.

"Sharks?!"  He got stuck in the portjole.  He squeezed in.  He swam next to Ariel, who was putting stuff in his bag.  Just then, i shark started chasing them.  They swam quickly twords the port hole.  Ariel's bag got snagged on a nail.  He quickly got it free and swam out.  He pulled flounder out of the port hole.  As they swam away, the shark got stuck.

"Woah! Mermaid off the port bow!"  When scuttle put down the spotting glass, ariel was right in front of him.

"Hi ya scuttle!"  He dumped all of his things out.  Scuttle picked up the fork.

"Now this is very rare!"

"What is it?"

"It's a dingle hopper!  Humans use this baby to style their hair."  He twisted his top feathers in the fork.  His festhers poofed up.  He picked up the pipe.

"Humans would stare at each other all day.  It was very boring.  So they made this, to make music with!"  When he blew into it, sea weed came out.

"The concert!  Oh my gosh my father's gonna kill me!"  He stuffed the stuff in his bag and started swimming away.

"Thank's scuttle!"

"Anytime sweety! Anytime."

As Ariel made it home,  he saw his father and froze.

"Where wrre you?!"

"Im sorry i Just forgot!"

"Forgot?!  You made me the laughing stock of the seven seas!"  Sebastian said,  getting in the prince's face.

"It's not his fault!  First there was this shark and we swam and swam!  And he was like 'grrr'!  And then there was this seagull saying 'this is this and that is that-."  Flounder said,  trying to get it out as fast as he could while still being understandable.

"Sea gull?  You went to the surface again didn't you?"  Ariel looked away, you could tell he was getting mad.

"Didn't you?!"  

"So what if I did?"

"You could have been seen by one of thoes barbarians!"

"Im 16 years old, im not a child!"

"Don't use that tone of voice with me young man!  I don't want to here anything more about you going to the surface world!  Do I make my self clear!?"  Ariel let out an irritated shriek and swam away

"Teenagers the think they know everything.  You give them an inch and they swim all over you.  Why if he was my son I would show him no mercy!"  An idea came to the king.

"Then you can watch over him!"  So sebastion followed the prince into a cavern, muttering about how he shouldn't be baby sitting a head strong boy like the prince.  He gasped.  The Cove was full of human objects!

"Mabey he's right.  Mabey there is something wrong with me.  I just don't see how a world thst makes such wonder full things, could be bad."  He started to sing about the human world.  When he laid down,  he heard sebastion.

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