Speculos -- Summary

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Dead people are popping up in Emerson Quinn's mirrors, and when that isn't the strangest part of a girl's day something has to be done.

Her mother's in jail, her godmother's a witch; and she learns of a twin brother she never knew she had.

Oh, and Emerson herself is a newly-fledged member of the Speculos - a secret society that keeps balance between the human and the unnaturals. Something is definitely a secret when even a girl's know-it-all witch of a godmother --literally, not figuratively-- doesn't know much of anything.

Now Emerson must save her brother. It will be the race of her life - but she's only just realised there's no track.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm back.Hopefully with the motivation to finish this story.

Please leave me feedback. What characters do you like? What needs work? Any guesses on what's to come! Chat with me!

Seriously though.

Of all the books in all the world, you are actually taking some time to delve into mine. The fact is that this truly touches my heart.

Much love my dears.

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