chapter twenty

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Wow! Twenty chapters already! Thanks for all the support on this story! Loves yall- katie

I walk to our back area with Abbi. Its been to weeks since we got all these new people. Me being me, I have fallen in love with all the kids. Carl has FINALLY excepted them.

I see Daryl sitting with my dad, so I walk up to them. "Hey guys!" I say missing them both on the cheek. "Ya missed!" He says and I smirk. "How 'bout ya show me the target?" I say and he turns to me. We go to kiss, but dad puts his hand in the way. "Save it for yalls room, but please, make sure Abbi isn't in there!" He says and I gasp. "Dad!" I squeal hitting his gut. He smiles and Darylvlooks like a deer caught in headlights. I smirk then grab his hand and lead him to our cell. I close it, making sure to move the curtain so no one can see in. I push him against the wall and kiss him.

Its like ten o'clock at night by now, and everyone's asleep. Abbi asked to sleep with Lizzie and Mika tonight, and we said yes. This also allowed us to have some alone time. I'm awaken with a lot of screaming going on. It's coming from block A. The one Beth, Abbi, and Carl are in. I jumpvout of bed and run to there block.

I get there and see Lizzi, Mika and Abbi corners by a walker. I shoot it then push them into the same block as some of the other kids. "Stay in here!" I yell then lock the door. I run back and shoot some more walkers. I see Herschel Look towards the net thing, and I see the breathing tube on a walker. I run over to it, and the walker trys to bite me. An arrow pieces its head, and I pull it off of him. I run back to give it to Herschel then continue killing walkers.

We finally got all of them dead. I Let the kids out, and they run off to find if there people are alive. Abbi runs to me, and I hold Herb crying.

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