Chapter 10

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I wake up and see everyone still asleep. I walk over to the fence and keep watch. Nothing much happened.

I notice people starting to wake up so I walk back over. By time I get there, everyone is awake. I walk over to Daryl and peck him on the lips. "Can I go with you guys to clear out the cell?" "No!" Him and dad say at the same time. "Why?" "We need someone here to protect everybody!" Daryl says. "Fine!" I say crossing my arms over my chest. He just smirks and shakes his head. "Alright love birds! Daryl! We gotta go!" Glenn says. I blush, and peck him on the lips. I walk away and over to  Beth. Dad comes over and kisses me and Carl on the head. He walks over to mom and they talk for a minute then he gets up and leaves. I watch as they leave and disappear into the prison. The group is T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, and dad. Maggie and I have become sisters. Her and Beth are basically my sisters. Herschel is like another father. I love everyone in this group, but I'm closest to my family, Daryl, and the Greenes. They are already as much family as mom, Carl, and dad are! We walk over to the fence to watch the group go in. "I don't see them!" Mom says worriedly. "Mom! It's okay! I promise! They are all going to be okay!" I say to her. They come back into view and nod, then turn to walk into the prison. Mom starts freaking out so I go over to her. "Hey! Mom! Calm down! It's okay! Dad and everyone else! They are all going to be okay! You have to stay strong! You have to stay strong for Carl! His dad is in there! He can't have his mom loosing her mind! He needs you no!" She just stares at me with tears in her eyes. "When did you get so grown up?" She says hugging me. I look up and see Glenn running to us. "Let's go!" He says. We get up and follow him.

We walk in the prison and dad says, "what do you think?" "Home sweet home!" Glenn says sarcastically. "Is it safe?" Mom says. "The cell block is! Later we will go out and find other stuff. I have a set of keys, so does Daryl!" "We sleep in the cells?" Beth asks. "I ain't sleepin' in no cage! I'll take the perch!" Daryl says. I see Carl and Beth walk into a cell. Herschel seemed to notice as well, because he walks in as well. A few seconds later, I see Carl come out with a sad look on his face. "Aw! Do you like Beth?" I taunt him. He just sticks his tongue out at me. I watch Glenn and Maggie walk into a cell. I walk up the stairs and see mom and Carol walk into a cell. I guess mom and dad are still fighting! I walk into the cell furthest away from everyone. I set my stuff on the top bunk and I hear footsteps. I look over to see Daryl leaning against the cell door. "Hey Dar!" I say. I decided he needed a nickname. "What's with the nickname?" "You don't like it?" "No! I do! You need one to!" "Well I already have one. Kayla!" "No! One that only I call you. How 'bout Mak?" "Okay!....... is there something I can do for you Mr. Dixon?" I say jokingly. He walks up to me and pushes me against the wall. His lips connect with mine. We kiss for a couple minutes until we hear someone speak up. "Hey Kayla-..... oh um sorry! Just you and Daryl come find me when your done!" I just bend over laughing and dying of embarrassment. He walks out and I turn to Daryl. His face is priceless. His cheeks are burning red, and he looks like a deer caught in headlights. I peck him on the lips then walk off, grabbing his hand. He catches up and we lock our fingers.

We get down the stares and dad just looks at us for a second then looks away. Maggie notices the looks between me and dad, so she speaks up. "What's wrong?" "Dad caught me and Daryl kissing!" I say under my breathe. She doubles over laughing. I look at Daryl and he's just looking down. "Okay teenagers! Let's get to work!" Herschel says. Me and Maggie burst out laughing again. Glenn comes up with a bag full of stuff. "Were gonna push further! We need to find food, medicine, weapons!" Dad says. "Who's the group?" Glenn says. "Me, Herschel, you, Daryl, Maggie, and T-Dog!" Dad says. "What?! Dad! Why can't I go?! I don't just want to sit here while my family's risking there lives!" I yell at him. "I need someone here in case your mom goes into labor. You were there when Carl was born. You know how to do it! Carols gonna go practice a c-section. You know how to do a regular birth!" "Fine!" I say. Then Beth and Carl come over. Carl try's on a helmet and it falls, covering his whole face. He looks at Beth after taking it off, and she smiles. Dad walks over to him and takes the helmet from him. "You don't need that!" "Why not! I wanna go with you!" "If something happens, you may be the last man standing!" Carl stomps away. I go to dad and hug him. I hug Maggie and Herschel. I turn to Daryl and kiss him. Then I walk off. Dad throws me a set of keys and I open the door for them. They all walk off, and I watch as they leave me. I have a really bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling. I go and find mom. She's sitting in her cell crying. "Mommy? What's wrong?!" "Nothing honey! Don't worry about it!" "Mom!" "I think the baby is dead! I haven't felt her move! My son is mad at me! My husband hates me! I think I lost the baby! If we're all infected then what if she's dead? If she's one of those things! She'll tear me from the inside out! What if I die during birth? What if I go after her or anyone else? You can't let me turn into one of those things Makayla! You can't! If we turn then you have to put us down!" She says. I realize that I'm crying to. "Mommy!" I say hugging her. Then we hear shouting. "Open the door! It's Herschel!" Dad says. I get up and run to unlock the door. I let them in and see Herschel on a table with half a missing leg. Everyone comes in except Daryl. I let them in then run out before anyone can stop me. I see Daryl talking to some men. Who could they be?

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