Cheer Up ButterCup!

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"Yes! Let's go!" Mey rin cheered.

You giggled and Finny carefully scooped you up before the group rushed off down the hall as Sebastian walked by.

"Hm, wonder what those lunatics are up to." Sebastian said out loud.

He flipped open his pocket watch and sighed, "Oh well, may as well polish the library."

You watched nervously from afar sitting on the table as the three henchmen rushed around causing chaos. Finny suddenly slipped on an egg Mey-Rin dropped and tossed a huge 40 pound flour bag everywhere. You coughed as everything and everyone including you was dusted in flour. Tanaka meanwhile was sitting next you in a pile of flour with some even on his head. He just chuckled casually and sipped his tea as always.

You finally decided enough was enough, "Um, you guys-"

"Is this enough milk?" Baldroy asked pouring the whole carton in the mix.

"You guys."

"Is this baking powder or rat poison?"

"You guys-" you said raising your voice slightly.

"You don't mix it like that you mix it like this!"

"YOU GUYS!" You shouted at the top of your tiny lungs.

They all stopped and looked at you as white as ghosts from flour and Mey-rin's glasses were cracked.

"Look at what happened! I wanted to make big brother feel better but you aren't helping!" You said.

"Young mistress what-" Sebastian stopped and sighed when he saw the three "ghosts of Christmas flour" and the tragic mess.

"What is going on?" He sighed.

You rushed out of the room tears of frustration in your big e/c eyes. Sebastian quickly looked at the three for answers. Even though he was a demon he somehow had grown attached to you and grew to platonically love you and your stubbornness to not give up. And if anyone, ANYONE, thought of hurting you, they would end up dying in the flaming pits of hell.

Finnly chuckled nervously pressing his pointer fingers together," We-We were trying to help young mistress Phantomhive make a cake, to help cheer up the young master but it didn't really work."

Sebastian sighed, "Go clean yourselves up. I will take care of this mess and the young mistress."

The demon butler quickly picked everything up in a flash it seemed and in under a minute the terrible mess of an attempted cake seemed like it never even happened at all. Sebastian dusted his hands off before going to search for you. He eventually found you in the hallway outside his young master's door curled up into a ball with your head in your lap.

"Young mistress?" Sebastian said getting down onto one knee.

You picked your head up and revealed your upset and frustrated face.

"What is it Mr. Sebastian?" You asked.

"I was wondering if I could help you."

"With what? Big brother doesn't want me to be anywhere near him and I wanna help but he won't let me." You said pouting cutely.

"I'm sure a cake will bring up his mood. We'll make him a get well soon cake that you'll help me make. Does that sound good?"

You looked away in thought before you turned back smiling and your eyes sparkling with happiness, "Okay!"

You giggled and Sebastian picked you up before leading you down to the kitchen. He set you down on the counter before pulling out all the ingredients. You helped him crack a couple eggs and pour in the dry ingredients. You were so happy he even let you lick the spoon!

Well you were happily licking away at the batter you watched as he put the cake in the oven for a while. Meanwhile Sebastian played with you playing whatever you wanted. Then he checked the time and took you back to the kitchen. He stuck a toothpick in the batter in the middle and it came out perfectly clean. Then was your favorite part.


You went crazy at that part decorating the cake in different colored frostings and flowers and sprinkles. Finally Sebastian wrote Get Well Soon on the top and you happier cheered it was done.

He carried the cake in one hand well holding you on his hip as you rambled about how excited you were. When he arrived to his master's room he knocked on the door and heard a groan and moving of sheets.

"Come in." Ciel said clearly just awoken.

"Pardon me master." Sebastian said opening the door.

You squeezed in and ran over to his bed climbing up and sitting down next to him, "Hey big brother did you miss me? I missed you!"


"At least allow your little sister to stay for a few minutes. After all, she misses her big brother." Sebastian smirked.

Ciel glared until he saw the cake the man was holding. He knew straight away if was not Sebastian's.

"I wanted to make you feel better so I made a cake with Sebastian!" You giggled.


You giggled as Sebastian cut a couple slices and put each on their own small plate. He handed you and your brother a silver fork and you waited until your brother ate it first.

"Is it okay big brother?" You asked concerned.

"It's good." He replied.

"Does it makes you feel better?" You asked scooching closer.

"A bit." He replied softly.

You giggled and nearly glomped the poor boy giggling. Sebastian chuckled at his flustered master as you jumped on him and giggled and squealed nonsense like Elizabeth. Finally he pulled you off and you took a bite smiling at how sweet it was!

After you had a couple slices Sebastian escorted you away so Ciel could get some more rest. As Sebastian put his cake back on his tray Ciel said, "She'll never be able to make it through life with how innocent she is."

"Innocent is unknown to humans. They are innocent as children but as they grow and see reality their innocence is gone." Sebastian said.

"She was only a newborn. She shouldn't understand or know what truly happened." Ciel said taking a sip of soothing tea.

"One day Master she will lose her innocence...better enjoy it now well you still can."

Ciel gave the butler a look but he couldn't deny it either.

Let the child enjoy the obliviousness of the real world.

Another crash echoed.


Ciel & Little!Sister!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن