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Warnings: swearing, rough sex, light voyeurism, light choke play, and GRAPHIC CONTENT- like, buddy, I'm not kidding. Read at your own risk.


By the time you realized that it was pointless to try and get to sleep for any longer, you had been shuffling around in your bed for so long that it had somehow gotten to 3 in the morning, and you'd had enough of waiting around for any sign of tiredness.

Grumbling, you unraveled yourself from the twisted mass of covers strangling your limbs to place your bare feet on the floor. With a large yawn, you straightened your tank top so it wasn't twisted halfway around your torso, then stretched and shoved yourself onto your feet. There wasn't even a sliver of moonlight peeking through your window on this cloudy winter night, but your eyes were adjusted just enough to allow you to be able to see the general shapes of everything in your room. Moving across the room, you sifted through the pile of fresh laundry that had yet to be put away near your closet, then slid the first pair of shorts you could find up your legs out of habit.

Trudging out of your room, you set off down the stairs to make your way towards the kitchen to grab a drink; just to wash the scratchiness the cool air in the house left in your throat. About halfway down the stairs, you regretted your decision in not taking the time to find a suitable pair of pajama pants as a wave of goosebumps ruthlessly scraped across your skin and made you shiver. As you quickened your pace down the last few steps so you could get back into your warm bed ASAP after getting a drink, you realized that you could hear the soft sounds of the TV playing, and as you turned the corner out of the enclosed stairway you were surprised to see Jack, one of your first friends you had made when you came to the Creepypasta mansion. His head was lolled against the back of the couch where he draped his arms lazily on either side of it, and his crossed legs were covered in a soft polyester blanket. He was presumably in the same situation as you, but he managed to drift off, so you let him be for now.

You silently moved past his unmasked, sleeping form to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, then softly padded along the floor to come up behind him. You changed your plans and deemed it necessary for him to wake up so he could share his secret of how he somehow got back to sleep while in a position that had to be killing his neck, then allow you to crawl up next to him so he could warm you back up. Leaning down so you were right next to his ear, you blew a gust of cool air into his earlobe. He grunted lightly but made no move that gave away any sign of consciousness, so you grumbled and did it again with the same result. You huffed in slight annoyance and moved around the couch to set your glass down on the table behind you, then smirked mischievously. Moving your hands forward, you wrapped your fingers around his exposed neck and squeezed lightly, feeling like this action would definitely wake him up faster than anything else.

Jack let out a guttural noise against your touch that sounded like a growl, so you jumped just out of his reach with a fit of soft, playful laughter, but when he made no other moves to come after you in the span of about a minute, you furrowed your brows in confusion. Moving forward, you curiously studied his expression to make sure that he wasn't pretending to sleep before hesitantly placing your hands back over his exposed neck, crossing your thumbs over his bobbing Adam's apple. You softly squeezed again, your lips quirking up into a mischievous expression once more as you imagined the look on his face when he jerked awake at the feeling of someone choking him, only to realize that it was just you.

Priceless- that's what you thought it would be.

When he made no move again, you tightened your grip by just a smidgen more, and finally felt his Adam's apple struggle to move against the pads of your thumbs. Just to make sure that he actually woke up this time, you squeezed just a little tighter on top of that. Suddenly, a hand roughly clapped around the small bones of your right wrist while another slammed into your left hip, throwing you off balance. Your back rammed into the cushions of the couch as the blanket that was over Jack's lap fell over your splayed left leg, which remained awkwardly angled towards the floor as your other leg was harshly pinned down by someone's knee. You realized after a brief second that it was- almost surprisingly- Jack as he hovered over your form, his face inches from yours as his fingers dug painfully into your wrist and the soft skin of your hip, growling your name under his breath even though he hadn't fully realized you were there yet. The front of his grey sweatpants tightly pressed into the hem your pajama shorts, allowing you to be painfully aware of the searing warmth of his erection pressing firmly into the smooth, lightly exposed skin of your abdomen, effectively shocking you even more. He breathed heavily against your neck, staring hotly into your surprised gaze for a couple of seconds before he stopped breathing in shock and lightened up on his grip, finally realizing his lustful expression and the person laying under him.

Heat (Eyeless Jack x Reader lemon)Where stories live. Discover now