chapter 6: Closure

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A few days later. . .

I decided to wear something casual for once, so, thanks to my dad giving me his old clothes, I wore an ocean blue t-shirt, a gray jacket with a hoodie, casual pants and brown boots. I had a digital watch on my left wrist, since I can't read time very well with the arm-kind of watch.

And here I was, waiting near the entrance of the mall, while busying myself with my phone.

I am NOT like Ikki Kurogane, who has little knowledge of the Internet, okay?

"C'mon Flappy Bird. Fly! Oh goddamn you!!" I yelled out, as soon as it hit a pillar and falls to the ground of the game.

"Ah well," I muttered, shoving my phone into one of the 6 pockets my father had in the pants.

I then saw a limousine stop in front of the pavement in front of me, and you-know-who came out of the limo, and the limo left as soon as she got out and closed the door.

I blinked at Anne-sama, before I smiled. She was wearing casual clothes as well, as she wore a blue skirt that reached her knees and a gray shirt. She was also wearing a yellow vest and a black fedora, which she wore loosely on her head. She was also wearing make-up, as her face was slightly brighter than I usually see her, and the blush on her face was clearly from make-up. She also had cherry red lipstick on. All in all, she looked like a girl going for a first date, and was very beautiful.

"Mesagi-kun. I see you got here early," she commented.

"Yep. I decided to come in ready anyway," I told her.

"That's good," she said again, smiling. I swore I felt my heart fluttering.

"By the way, you're in cover because you want no one to notice you?" I asked.

"You noticed that very quickly," Anne-sama said, fixing her fedora so that it covers her face.

"Why won't you show your face? You look beautiful," I complimented, smiling. She looked at me, blushing red on her cheeks.

"I-I-I am?" She asked me.

"Yes! C'mon, don't be humble now," I replied, grinning at her. She slowly nodded and let the fedora lean backwards, making her look more casual, informal and. . . I admit, attractive.

"B-better? And why's your face red?" Anne-sama asked. I blinked.

"Huh? W-what?"

"Your face was. . . Is red."

"Y-yeah, what about it?"

"Are you. . .?"


Anne-sama shook her head. "Nevermind."

"Okay then."

I took hold of her hand, and she quickly pulled her hand away. I looked at her, slightly heartbroken.

Anne-sama had a very red face, and looked at her hand that I held, which was her right hand.

". . . Anne-sama?"

"U-uhm. . . P-please be gentle with me."


I tilted my head in confusion. 'What on Earth is she talking about?' I thought.

"T-that was my f-first contact w-with a male my age."

"Aaaaaahhhhh. Sorry for taking that away."

Almost instantly, I felt my arm being pulled. And, Oh God, it was like your arm was tied to a chain that carried a ball that weights a ton, while you were near to the edge, and the ball had already fell to the edge. Although, that won't happen. . . Yet.

When I realised, Anne-sama's face was close to me, and I can't help but blush.

"I don't really mind that, honestly," Anne-sama whispered. I could smell her sweet perfume from this distance, and her breath smelled like mint.


Anne-sama smirked and pecked me on the lips. My eyes widened, before I touched my lips.

"That was the second time. . ." I said. My cheeks were probably red right now. Anne-sama giggled at this.

"C'mon. Act like we're a couple, okay?"



"I dunno. You took my first kiss, then kissed me again. What the heck? Are your parents okay with this?"

"Of course they are. I told them I was hanging out with friends."

I think my heart slightly hurt hearing her say friends.

"Ah. . ."

"Of course, I lied to them."


"There's no way I consider you as a friend, Mesagi."

She had her pale left hand on my right cheek.

"I consider you as a special person. . .  A crush, probably. I don't know. I still haven't decide which."

I kept silent, but then held her hand that was on my cheek. She flinched slightly but didn't move.

"It's okay Anne-sama. T-"

"Don't call me Anne-sama anymore."

"Okay. . . Anne."

'That was very uncomfortable for me to say,' I thought, but continued on, "try and take things as slow as possible. Remember, slow and steady. . ."

". . . Wins the race."

I smiled.

"You do know the story of Rabbit and the Tortoise."

"Of course. . ."

Anne grabbed me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. I felt the wind blow on my face, and also Anne's constant breathing on my shoulder.

Soon, we both broke out hug.

"So, what're we waiting for?"


Gunshots, and, soon after, screams were heard.

We both looked at each other, and nodded. Anne took her phone out, and contacted the Director.

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