chapter 5: A Talk After The Conflict

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Time skip

"Alright. Glad classes were over! What happened?" I asked Noa, who was seemingly trying not to laugh.

"Dude! Look at yourself at the mirror!!" He said, and I looked around for glass and went to the window to look.

I blinked when I saw myself. My face was covered with soot, some end strands of my hair had fire, and some other was covered with water and ice.

"Did a fight happened during class?" I asked Noa and he nodded, now laughing.

I sighed as I wore my non-fingerless gloves and put the fire out of the strands of my hair.

I then also plucked out the ones covered in ice, which hurt. A lot. Really.

"Well anyway, I gotta go. See ya later, Mesagi!" Noa said, waving and running away.

I nodded, before a large force from behind, causing me to fall flat on my entire front body.

"Anne-sama!!!" I yelled out, and I heard her giggle. "Geez, something is wrong is you, Mesagi," she said.

"Nothing is wrong with who I am," I said, pouting at her. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry," she ssid, taking her hand out.

I took it and she pulled me up. I smiled at her. "What do you wanna do today instead of practice?" Mesagi asked.

". . . I don't have other ideas," I replied, giving out a nervous laugh to Anne-sama.

Anne-sama looked like as if she was confused, before shaking her head. "Well, how about we hang out?" She suggested.

"Hanging out. . . I don't see why not. Sounds fun," I replied, smiling at her.

What? I've never hung out with anyone before. And no, I'm not lonely. I'm very friendly but no one invites me to hang out.

"Alright. Meet me near the mall in Saturday," Anne-sama told me. "Wait, you're leaving?" I asked.

Anne-sama gave a slight slap to my head. "No, silly. I won't be at the dormitory during the weekends," Anne-sama told me.

"Ah~! I see now! During weekends you go into the forest to train and be in peace, right?" I asked.

"Wait, how'd you know that?" Anne-sama asked. I went silent nearly instantaneously.

"You stalker," she simply told me, before kissing me in the forehead and sashayed away, leaving me baffled and blushing.

I didn't even notice the large amount of stares and cameras pointed towards me. I just simply walk back towards me and Anne-sama's dormitory.

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