We practiced a few other things before going to take off what we did and put on our everyday looks. She was still in her room so I went downstairs and rooted through the kitchen for something to eat. I grabbed a granola bar and ate it while walking around downstairs looking through twitter. I sat down on the couch for a while and then Devyn and Corey left, along with Aaron who had left a little later. The only people home were Elton and I but he soon left as well to meet up with Amanda to go out for supper. It was about 6:00pm. Colby and Sam were still not back, and everyone else had left to go do things. I texted Colby a few times and asked him when they'd be home and he kept saying soon, how long is soon. Its been and hour and a half. It was already dark out and they house didn't have many lights on so it was starting to creep me out. I walking into the kitchen and hall to turn the lights on, along with turning the lights on in the hallway upstairs. I played music and just began to cook something to eat. I put some chicken in the oven to cook, and was pealing potatoes while dancing around to the music, probably wasn't the safest thing to do, but I was doing it anyways. I had some vegetables cooking in a pot on the stove and put the potatoes in another to cook them. I set a timer on my phone for everything then walking over to change the song. I paused the song that was playing and it took me a few minutes to find another song to play.

"Why can't I just pick a song."

While I was trying to pick a song the house was dead silent. I don't know what made me look behind me so fast but I turned around because it felt like something was watching me. I relaxed once I saw nothing was there but I still felt a little uncomfortable. I shuffle the music just to have something playing to make the house seem less dead. I quickly then ran upstairs to my bedroom and took Axel out if the pen and onto the floor.

"Come on baby let's go downstairs."

We walked back downstairs and I played with him in the kitchen for a bit before taking him back upstairs since the food was almost ready. As I set him down in the pen and was about to open my door to go back downstairs, I heard a loud thud downstairs. Not thinking anything of it I assumed it was they boys and they were just home. I was walking down the stairs calling their names to see that, nobody was home. The door was still locked. No other lights were on and everything look how it did 3 minutes ago, and I couldn't hear any voices. I called their names again—silence. I slowly walk down and peaked into the rooms anxiously. If the boys didn't come home, what the hell was that loud thud. I checked all the rooms and nobody was in them and nothing had moved. The only room I didn't check was the garage and the bedrooms, but the noise definitely cane from downstairs so it wouldn't have been in any bedrooms. I grabbed a knife out of one of the drawers and slowly walk past the laundry machines, I grabbed the handle, twisted it and opened the door and let it swing open. I walked in and looked around it was dark and clustered. I walked to the back of the garage and checked the small halfway in between the shelves. I didn't see anything until I turned my head around and saw a black shadow run out of the garage and into the house closing the door behind it. I couldn't tell if the door was physically pulled shut or just closed from the wind. I immediately dropped to the floor and hid behind the shelf on the floor. I stared out in the pitch black room. I couldn't move, there is somebody in the house. My phone is inside so I can't even call anyone. My body was stiff and I couldn't move, I don't know if I'm seeing things or if someone is actually in the house. My heart was racing and I didn't know what to do, all I could do it sit and stare, that's all my body was allowing me to do. About 20 minutes later the front door opened and I heard Colby and Sam's voices. They called out my name but I couldn't answer. By the sound of it they had walking into the kitchen because Sam was freaking out over the pots over flowing and things burning.

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